Free E Cig

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Inačica od 12:53, 5. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Coleman66 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Free E Cig

I smoked long enough to know it was time to quit. Health issues, the cost of buying pack after pack, smelly clothes, social un-acceptedness, (is that a real word?) all brought me to the point of saying, "Enough"!

Addiction is stronger than resolve at times. Four days was my max at remaining smoke free on my "cold turkey" trial. Tapering off saw me down to seven cigs a day, by smoking one less per day from the start. But seven isn't zero, and soon I was back up to a pack a day. Failed attempt number two.

I won't go into details about all my attempts to quit, except to say I tried patches, gum, and pills, without lasting results. (With much stress, and at the peril of friends and family.)

Now I have an eletronic cig, and it's the greatest aid to quitting I have ever tried! I have 100% faith that with this little devise I will be a non-smoker for the rest of my life! Not only do I get to "smoke" the damned thing, just like a real cig, but it even "burns" via a ashy looking little light on the end, and I exhale "smoke" in the form of water vapor! Plus these fake cigs are up to 80% cheaper than traditional, burning, smelly cigs.

There are handy little cartridges placed inside the "filter", that give me a shot of nicotine which cuts the craving down to ZERO. There's no tar, no stink, no stains on my teeth. I can take it anywhere. My hands, which have been as addicted as my mouth to cigs, get to do what they have always done, (except light up!), I have something to hold between my fingers. I even catch myself flicking ashes habitually, even though I no longer have ashes to flick. But keeping an ashtray handy seems to help my brain to stop my body from freaking out! And since that's the point, I don't care if I look nutty flicking non-existant ashes from a fake cig. (I did the same thing as a kid with candy cigs! So no biggy.)

Would I recommend these eletronic cigs to others? Oh yes! I sure would. Anyone who wants to quit smoking should investigate the advantages of electronic cigs, and weigh your options. But for me... this is the road to quitting for good!

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