,, Invalid URL, Why?

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 23:05, 15. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Kylie655 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Explorer and wrote among the following phrase's inside the search bar,,,, or maybe, struck research, "--"

Eh, Nothing, WHY?

So that you have been aware of Google or Yahoo, thrilled dexter local zach hedrick is in the news reviews the trusty Web Browser and entered one of many following phrase's inside the search bar,,,, or perhaps, attack search, "--" Eh, Nothing, WHY?

You're not alone, over 3,000,000 people a year type in, over 2,000,000 type in, and 2,600,000 enter, all using the same effect, Nix. The problem is two-fold, the solution is straightforward.

Let's take a glance at one expression particularly and it is possible to apply the same solution to others. You will likely have entered this into a white text box somewhere within the top third element of your browser which might automagically have an AOL or MSN webpage showing, when you typed in This is really a text box where you should key in what you're searching for as a word or phrase. Using for instance, if you had entered only Google you'd have found the search engine finding its way back with a myriad of pages that have the term Google on their pages and then you may have selected what interests you. The search text box is where you enter, for instance, an expression like acupuncture" and "acne. Hit the search button and bingo, a few related sites is going to be shown. isn't a key phrase but a web address. If you desire to visit that site and have a proper address, you must enter it in the address bar which is generally only under the top toolbar of your browser. You'll observe that most handle bars have a go button on the right rather than a button as in the search box described before.

The last part of the answer is in the spelling of should in fact be written the following,. You're mighty near, but computers are wickedly rational and an absent forward slash usually means despair.

In conclusion;

1- Search words go in the search text box,

2- Addresses get in the top address bar,

3- Addresses must be spelt properly. corrected is corrected is corrected is corrected is surfing!

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