Could Voice-recognition Technologies Make Transcription Companies Redundant?

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 00:56, 9. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Geraldine724 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Many organizations must convert recorded voice to-text and have long been trying to find ways to do it quickly and inexpensively. Transcribing medical dictation is just a prime example.

Some years back, when voice recognition computer software became commercially available, a lot of people expected the answer had finally arrived. Businesses looked forward to reducing transcription charges and everyone who hated writing looked forward to removing their keyboard.

Unfortunately, the reality turned out to be somewhat different. Voice-to-text technology is a big let down up to now.

Truth be told, voice-recognition software is easily thrown off track by a variety of factors. If you dont speak clearly and distinctly, it may not give the best result to you. It will fail more often than not, If you use it in a noisy place. If you've an accent, it may not understand you. Even though you have a terrible cold, youll realize that the program may give incorrect results!

In other words, voice recognition pc software works reasonably well under perfect, laboratory conditions, but not in a typical home or business environment!

Health-care professionals who attempted to use voice recognition technologies to eliminate transcription companies found that they should teach the program to function well. Learn more about FB Ads Cracked Review by visiting our dynamite site. That takes a number of years and plenty of work. Most wound up continuing to outsource their medical transcription work.

Of course, there are lots of other types of situations where transcription is needed. For example sessions of teleconferences, classes, interviews and classes that want to be converted to text.

In natural conversation, people tend to use lots of umms and aahs together with unnecessary phrases like you know. Current voice recognition technology is not really effective at filtering out such irrelevant sounds or words.

In addition, people also string together a few sentences using ands. The program cant break up such speech into meaningful sentences. Nor can it separation speech into meaningful sentence devices the way a transcriptionist can.

And if the saving is filled with background sound, or if more than one individual is talking at-the same time, the software won't func-tion consistently and easily.

Perhaps some time later on someone will invent voice recognition technology that may handle all the above dilemmas. Till then organizations will have to use transcription services, particularly for work like medical transcription, where precision is important.

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