Weight Loss With Fat Loss Factor6664699

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Inačica od 08:28, 9. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela KrisspdwrgeknoLuciani (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Fat Loss Factor (FLF) is an innovative & effective health and nutrition plan in the weight loss niche designed and introduced by Dr. Charles Livingston who happens to be a nutritionist and fitness expert and a certified Chiropractor as well, based in Fishers, Indiana. He started off with guiding individuals personally for weight loss tips and tricks but later laid the foundation of the Fat Loss Factor program intended to assist the masses.

The site Fatlossfactor.com explicitly elucidates the working mechanism of FLF program for its audiences. It is based on a 12-week plan, the first 2 week period of which is aimed at the elimination of body’s harmful toxins that tend to shrink the fat cells, hence called the ‘Detoxing period’. This is accomplished by the intake of fresh natural organic food items such as fruits & vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, pulses and beans etc. By the end of these 2 weeks, you are guaranteed to sense internally a stronger immune system, elevated energy levels, suppressed food cravings and some fat reduction.

Next you embark on the regular weight loss steps of FLF program which essentially comprise of drinking ample water to flush away body fat, performing and adapting the body to Interval training exercises, metabolism triggering strength training thrice a week, exercising mind control to negate stress and hunger cravings, learning to consume smaller meals daily with specific and sufficient time spans in between, developing knowledge of haves and have nots in food variety. All these practices in the FLF program claim to result in efficient and remarkable weight loss and arewell- explained and convincingly elaborated on this site. The site is very effectively designed to guide the user in a step-wise manner through the entire weight loss user manual starting with giving the ability to its audience to distinctly differentiate between fat gaining and losing foods.

The site grabs the attention of its audience by raising questions like ‘have all your weight loss efforts been futile or does your fat just keeps coming back?’ Now this is a problem common to every over-weighted individual. They further claim to help you lose weight without risking your overall health by weight-loss pills, crash diet plans incredibly low in nutrition or any other such scam gimmicks for weight loss. In fact, these tips trace their origin back to 1950s and are therefore not new. The site also relieves the viewer by telling that their obesity is not necessarily due to their intake of bad junk food. They are not always to blame themselves. A user- friendly interface, animated site design and employment of multimedia and video tools makes the site effective in connecting to the viewers problems and gaining his/ her faith in the Fat Loss Factor program. Videos share tips and guidelines and the exercise movements all leading to weight loss.

For people desperately concerned with their weight loss, it is very essential for them to develop trust and conviction in the physician, drug, surgery or any diet plan that they turn to. The site Fatlossfactor.com encompasses all such factors very cleverly. It begins by introducing the achievements of Dr. Charles, the founder of this site and the FLF program. He’s designated as certified and board- approved wellness practitioner, chiropractic physician, nutritionist, speaker, author and counselor who have helped hundreds globally. Dr. Charles demonstrates how he founded the Fat Loss Factor program. He undertook the challenge of experimenting with a woman who was a typical working woman and a mother to 3 children and a poor genetic lineage marking obesity, diabetes and heart disease. He successfully helped the woman lose amazing weight by employing his tips. The attractive part is that you attain a reduced waist line, decreased dress sizes, rid of fat tires etc without going through the ravages of gym, exercise and frustrating diets. You really don’t need to give up your favorite foods altogether even if they are fattening.

The site reveals the reason why women are inflicted with more stubborn fat that’s hard to shed off. From the Paleolithic era, men were designed by nature to be slim and swift while women stayed back home so genetically tend to store fat and take care of home & children. The site also overtly explains the three latent causes of why women tend to gain weight even during their attempts to lose weight: women have more fat-storing enzymes, estrogen hormone multiplies these enzymes and lastly crash diets tend to put your body in starvation shock that decrease fat-digesting enzymes. The site highlights all such problems and has designed the program accordingly. It claims to help you overcome the harsh genetics!

A technical anatomy simulating demonstration is presented on the site. It depicts how liver dysfunction due to intake of cholesterol-loaded diets can lead to disrupted fat metabolism and eventual weight gain. A potbelly is what results. Another symptom of liver dysfunction is its disability to filter small fat globules that tend to deposit under the skin and around organs as cellulite. Thus a plan involving enhancement of liver functioning is an essential component of weight loss plan. Starting weight loss program without cleansing and distilling your liver would lead to futile efforts no matter how strenuously you diet or exercise.

The all-encompassing Fat Loss Factor e-book covers the 4 steps of the program with 100% money-back guarantees in case of no results. Step 1 involves the shift to a diet that will boost your metabolism and cleanse your body thoroughly to embark on the fat- burning mission. Step 2 talks about consuming specific foods and meals that reduce fat such that you can moderately consume some fattening foods as well like cakes and ice-creams. Step 3 demands your 15 minutes merely thrice a week to perform some specific well-designed exercise moves demonstrated here at http://www.fatlossfactor.com/exercises. Visual aids and videos are employed to teach you body movements depending on the body part that needs to be worked on. They are fully professional and proven moves and not just another weight loss gimmick.

Step 4 unleashes the secret behind FLF program’s success and why other plans fail.

The program comes with a carefully designed comprehensive mind preparation guide for embarking on weight loss task for long-term commitments. It gives essential 7 tips on mind manipulation Fatlossfactor.com along with video presentations on weight loss separately for men and women. The site advertises its complete Fat Loss Factor program kit/ pack that come with a lot many things yet in reasonable price. It includes FLF Blueprint Starter Guide, main e-book, video CDs to show body detoxing, Exercise log book to help you keep track of your status, a work-out guide, guide to accomplishing goals and a list of recipes and e-book of grocery items. Hence, it is a prominent achievement in weight loss endeavors!

Detailed info on fat loss can be found on the main website.

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