Particular Protection Products (PPE)

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Inačica od 09:21, 16. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Cheryl454 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Wellbeing & Safety Executive (HSE) research suggests that in 60% of accidents where protection equipment would have prevented or reduced the severity of an injury, Own Security Machines was either not provided, provided but not used or was the incorrect type of devices. In any of these situations the employer is open to both criminal and civil action by the injured... and likely to be found negligent.

The Particular Protective Equipment Regulations 1992 aimed to improve employers understanding of providing specific tools with legal penalties for those that did not. A key target of the legislation was the construction industry who account for a large amount of injuries and it was seen as an area they could improve upon by providing suitable products. Personalized Protection Tools not only offers immediate safety in some cases, it is vital is protecting against long term damage and ill wellness.

The regulations require a business owner to complete a risk assessment to understand what risks are in their business and identify suitable control measures. Once the risks have been established, you need to see what you can do about removing them or introducing other activities to reduce the requirement to wear Personalized Protection Tools. The reason these types of tools should be seen as a last resort are because:

- It only protects the person wearing it. Other staff could be at risk from the actions of the employee but how are they protected?

- For safety the gear requires the user to wear it properly at all times; people can forget or not wear it correctly and therefore be at risk.

- Wearing Personalized Safety Machines can restrict movement or visibility and therefore introduce other issues to particular safety.

- Any equipment is unlikely to protect completely against all hazards.

Employers also have the following further duties to -

- Properly assess the defense provided to ensure it is suitable and will control the risks.

- Ensure the products is readily available.

- Meets the required standards. Various British Standards exist to ensure the products performs as required.

- Make sure the products is maintained and fit to use eg continues to perform as designed.

- Provide staff with information and instruction on how to use the tools properly.

- Ensure staff are wearing Particular Safety Equipment when required.

Although the above duties sound too involved, it is not unreasonable for your staff to be protected from hazards at work and the main question to ask yourself is "what would I do in this situation and would I be happy wearing this products?" If you would not wear the devices provided yourself, why would your staff?

Nigel J Welford is a qualified Overall health & Safety professional and believes in making the process of well being and safety in the workplace as simple as possible whilst still being effective and meeting all the regulations. Get a copy of his free report "The Secret To How Well being & Safety Can Improve Your Business And Profits: 7 Everyday Pitfalls To Avoid" from

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