My Name Is Carol And I Am Addicted To Audio Books

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 14:36, 19. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Migdalia14 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Hi, my title is Carol and I'm addicted to audio books.

My story: I'm 32 and dependent on audiobooks. I've been trying to cut back but I cant.

I was first presented to audiobooks 12 years ago. My parents purchased a bithday present as me a King audio book. It included 10 publications on cassettes each 25 minutes. I finished playing it the first night. Then, I started getting audio books for me and for each of my friends birthdays (if they liked audio books or not).

I moved to audio books on CDs and later on to downloadable audio books as times handed. I have known all of the on line audio book rental services and buying services. In reality, I had an account in most of these SchumakerHarwood69 - Cultura Digital e Educação .

My average production was two audio books per week but I remember some days where I skipped sleeping and listened to as much as five audio books. I purchased almost any new fiction audio book on the market per your request .

I were able to find some free audio books but nevertheless paid a lot of money for my audio book series.

I got hooked on the convenience of having a miniature book. I got addicted to the sound files, the music and the narration.

I got addicted to the ability to listen to audio books anytime and anywhere (I remember hearing it in the toilet and in function and in other weird places).

And then I decided to make the transfer. If I cant beat it, I'd join it. I resigned from work and made a career out of my interest I started earning money out of my comprehensive familiarity with audiobooks <a href="">Page not found .

In these times, I create opinions about new audio books and serve as a specialist for audio books publishers. I am content listening to free audio books and being paid for this (just finished listening to the final Harry Potter audio book).

Have you tried hearing audiobooks? Check it out.

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