Potty Training Girls

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 14:49, 17. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Jackeline394 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Potty training girls can be a whole lot easier than trying to potty train boys. Believe me, I work at a daycare center and I have to deal with this all the time since I work in the toddler room. In my class I have six girls and six boys and all of the girls were potty trained before their counterparts were. With girls there are fewer accidents and even when they do have an accident they usually can stop themselves in the middle of it and get to the potty to finish. With the boys, they make more messes and have so many more accidents than the girls do.
When trying to start potty training girls, I recommend getting them a doll that is specially designed for potty learning. Little girls love their baby dolls and this one will be no exception. They are sold in all the major toy stores and usually come with a sippy cup that you can fill with real water in addition to underwear and an actual miniature potty. The point of the doll is for your daughter to watch what happens when she drinks water. The result is that she has to use the toilet. You can then show your little princess how to take off the doll’s underpants and sit her on the potty so she can make pee-pee. She will probably catch on to the whole process very quickly and will soon want to do it herself. Have her bring her doll and mini potty with her when she uses the bathroom. It will encourage her to stay in there longer than if she did not have some form of entertainment.
Books are also a great potty teaching tool. There are so many books out there for kids right now which explain the process of using the restroom and how important it is to wash your hands after you flush the toilet. I make sure to have a tall stack of books in the bathroom next to my daughter’s potty so that she can choose whichever one she wants to read when she sits down. It helps her to relax and takes the focus off of producing something on the potty and instead puts the emphasis on keeping it fun and at least trying.
Girls also tend to love the potty reward charts that are available. Some books about the potty come with reward charts and stickers in the back which you can use with your child. Boys sometimes respond to the reward charts - mostly if you make sure to stock up on truck and racecar stickers. Also, some parents try toys as rewards for when their child goes on the potty but that is not something I would recommend. That is teaching the kid that every time they go to the bathroom they deserve a toy. Not something that makes it easy if you are away from home and don’t have a spare new toy handy.
All in all, girls tend to train faster and easier than boys. But boys probably have more fun being able to sink Cheerios when they’re learning to pee standing up!
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