Potty Training For Parents

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 15:52, 17. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Jackeline394 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Potty training boys can be a whole lot easier than trying to potty train boys
There are potty training DVD's, potty training books, even potty training toys out there. You name it there's something out there to help with potty training girls and boys. These are a wonderful way to get the idea of potty training planted in a child's head. We were big fans of the ELMO Potty Time DVD and Elmo Potty Time Book with flushing sounds. They didn't potty train my daughter but they got her talking about it with me.
These tools are visual and audio ways for children to get comfortable and familiar with potty training at their level of understanding. Bring them into the home and then let your child move at his or her pace.
Let them pick out their potty chair. My daughter had both the potty seat and the potty chair. She used both depending on her mood. I preferred the potty seat only because there was little clean-up but she liked be down on the ground on her potty chair and not having her legs dangling off the toilet.
Ask your child if they have any questions. Potty Training can be a scary concept for some young toddlers and preschoolers. They are so comfortable with just going in their pants, imagine putting your butt on a big unknown bowel and trying to make something happen on demand that has always just happened on its own.

Read more about Potty Training Boys

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