Muscle Rev X

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 16:22, 18. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Jackeline394 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Muscle Rev X

Next in the line of reviews for home workout systems is Rev Abs by celebrity trainer Brett Hoebel. Rev Abs combines cardio, capoeira, along with weight training in order to get the body you want doing it in the comfort of your own home. With an average time around 35 mins it is a quick workout that just about anyone can do so it is a great workout for beginners.

Rev Abs

Brett Hoebel's RevAbs program, you'll engage your abdominal muscles throughout the entire workout to burn fat and get six-pack abs in 90 days. With the Rev Abs workout systems you get 9 dvds a guide, nutrition guide, wall calender, and anytime anywhere guide to help you chart your results.

You'll learn to work your abs from six different angles through Brett's proven Abcentrics training technique. Build a lean, strong physique through a variety of lively exercises, including the acrobatic martial art known as capoeira.

The positives of Rev Abs

Some of the positives of Rev Abs is the price it is very affordable at about $80, the workouts average around 35 minutes which makes it great for people who want to workout even with a strict time limit. The programs itself doesn't not require a lot of extra equipment which is always great to keep the price down, the workouts are easy to do for anyone no matter how fit they are.

The Negatives

Rev Abs has some the similar negatives that Insanity it is mainly cardio, there isn't much weight lifting, it does involve doing capoeira which is alittle akward to do at first eventually you get the hang of it. Brett does this little chant during the workout which I find to be lame as well as uninspiring, it does require a lot of room which makes it hard to do in an apartment or condo.

Overall Rev Abs is a great workout for beginners looking to get into shape before moving onto an more challenging workout like P90X or Insanity. Doing capoeira is also something fun, enjoyable, and different instead of doing the normal crunches or ab routine. For more information or to order it go to

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