Being a Rare Book Dealer

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 16:39, 20. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Delphine745 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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I will give you the 'inside' story on how to setup your own business buying and attempting to sell specific used books that could make you more now than you ever thought you could working at home!

Most people aren't aware that everyday books, perhaps also books you've within your house right now, are really worth a lot of money! Not all books are important, but how would you know the difference? Until now, there is no easy method to tell <a href="">comedy book</a> .

I will give you the 'inside' story on how to setup your own business buying and trying to sell specific used books that could earn you more now than you ever thought you could working from home!

Since I was very small I've been an junkie, avid book reader and lover of books. Many years ago I came across that certain books are highly valued by collectors worldwide and that you could make a living, also $100,000 or more each year buying and attempting to sell...used books! I could not feel it, until I found this 'hidden marketplace' for used books in my local library.

I was within my local, public library 1 day searching for any information that I could use to create some cash. I came across a called, "Collected Books, Helpful Tips To Values."

I was what it was all about and curious about this book since books were loved by me. I picked it up and began reading it.

When I read a particular book, within my collection, was worth almost $3,500 and I NEVER knew it, the book was almost dropped by me on the floor!

I chose to purchase a copy with this Guide and when I first got it I had my entire library of books to see if some of my other books were 'valuable.'...

I was taken by it several times, but when I was done I noticed had a Mine on my hands <a href="">comedy book</a> . I had 22 books that have been valued at $200 or more, and the total value of my 'selection' was $6,275!

The scary part was used to do not really discover how valuable some of the books within my collection was. Well, i'd like to suggest that another way- I didn't have a 'collection' at least I didn't think they were a 'collection.' Because I liked them.. books were bought by me. I did so not even know they are often VALUABLE. I'd NUMBER CLUE.

Over the next almost a year I read around I can about used and rare books. I also picked the brains' every well known and respected book dealer in my place that I could easily get to talk. I tried speaking anybody and everyone in this business, but many weren't ready to quit some of their secrets... except one old-time seller.

Probably he was willing to retire, or he only wanted to help me get started in this business. I do not know. But he told me enough to get me started in ecommerce and also make a small fortune.

Which was over 10 years ago...

Today industry for used and unusual publications is HUGE and rising annually. The Web has caused it to be therefore much easier to buy and sell books. The market is big and the majority are making a lot of money in this pleasant "gentleman's" business.

It's also a GREAT business to be in, especially if you love books! I do believe it's one of the simplest businesses to begin, one of the most successful and one of the most pleasant <a href="">comedy book</a> .

Richard Fenn -

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