The Internet for Your Modeling Career

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 14:42, 21. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Jackeline394 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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This article is about short male models

Now a day’s manscaping is more common than you think. We
look at all these male models their smooth hairless sexy bodies and the women
love them for it. However our hairy men suffer for it. I will even admit I am a
fan of manscaping there is nothing more inviting than to see clean shaving. Men
on the other hand do not have the same sentiment for whatever reason. It takes
a little convincing to get them to follow suit. Now I’ve heard a lot of the
complaints men give as to why they do not manscape.

It’s not masculine

It itches

I look like a little boy

Well men, if you like your woman clean shaven then guess what,
we like you clean shaven as well. Here, let me give you some of the benefits.

It makes your junk look bigger!

Reduces musty orders

A clear view during oral pleasure

Prevent transmission of one of the most common
STD’s (pubic lice)

It makes you look cleaner

Overall the benefits are definitely a plus and by all means
I’m not saying that you should shave every piece of hair off of your body. Realistically
hair is what makes you a man. Here are some key tips when manscaping starting from
head to toe.


Facial hair is a plus, however only when it is under control
nicely shaped and neat. Ears and nose, there should not be any visible hair. Eye
brows leave them alone shaping those could be considered a bit much.


Some hair on the chest is fine, however if you are a wolfman
please do trim it down. Back and shoulder hair is a no no get rid of it, there
is nothing sexy about that. Abdomen, just a trail if you got more than that cut
it off. If you just keep just a trail, you will see women won’t mind following
it down.

Below the belt

Frank and beans, look at it this way how do you like your
women? Well we like it the same. Now if you are not completely comfortable with
shaving it bald then just do a shape up, get the hair under control. Here is one
tip for you when shaving your genitalia use a razor or clipper that is only
used in this area to prevent irritation, my personal favorite is The Schick® Quattro® Titanium Trimmer. I personally use
the one that is for ladies. Legs and feet, leave them alone we do
like to be reminded that “hey you are a man”.

Hopefully this helps anyone who is still
debating on whether or not to manscape. Trust me when I say it is a great bonus
to a woman and what will it hurt to try it out?

Read more about short male models here :

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