Cost-Effective Approaches to Cool Your Home

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 15:40, 23. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Delphine745 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Because the temperature increases, so does the expense of cooling your home. But a new federal law could help keep your property both cool and cost- effective site link .

In January, the U.S. The minimum efficiency standards were raised by department of Energy for air conditioners and heat pumps from 10 to 13 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). Even though homeowners aren't necessary to replace systems that are less than 13 SEER, doing so could cut 23 per cent off power charges.

Think of SEER scores like gas mileage: The higher the SEER or miles per gallon, the more energy "mileage" you receive. In order SEER levels rise, your cooling and heating products and services use less energy, giving you more bang for your money while giving real environmental benefits through decreased energy use.

"The new 13 SEER standard not only retains energy but it also reduces related co2 emissions," states Rick Roetken, director of marketing at Indianapolis-based Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems.

Bryant recently presented a fresh line of 13 SEER models that provide exceptional efficiency, savings and convenience. The improved top-of-the-line Evolution System reaches levels of as much as 20 SEER while allowing people to regulate schedules, cooling, moisture, indoor quality of air, heat and maintenance reminders from the single, easy-to-navigate source.

To help keep your house cooling system at peak performance, Roetken recommends having it inspected at least once a year by way of a trained support technician. Here are a few additional tips:

* Install more attic insulation <a href="">heath powell plumbline</a> . Upgrading from 3 inches to 12 inches may reduce cooling costs by 10 percent.

* Plant a tree. One well-placed shade tree can lessen your cooling costs by 25  %. Position abundant shade trees to the west and south and evergreens to the north.

* Use field and ceiling fans to simply help circulate air throughout the house.

* Set the fan on your central ac to "on" rather than "auto." Air will be circulated by this continually, keeping the temperature constant at home and assisting in dehumidification.

* If you utilize a window air-con system, make sure it is the proper size. It is easier to get the one that is too small in the place of too large. A bigger system will start up and turn fully off with greater regularity and will not do nearly as good employment dehumidifying the air.

* Choose programmable thermostat air conditioning service denver .

* Should you choose not have central air conditioning, try a whole-house attic fan. Hot air is pushed by this device out through the attic vents, lowering the temperature during your home by about 5 degrees within just 10 minutes.Plumbline Services
15131 East Fremont Drive #103
Centennial, CO 80112
(303) 436-2525

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