New Car Plant In Asia For Ford

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 06:16, 24. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Prince172 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Recently, the Honda Motor Company, Ltd. has declared they are likely to develop a new car plant in Yorii, Osato state, Saitama prefecture in Japan. This new plant that they would be making would be actually in a position to function come the year 2010, throughout the part of that year. The organization estimates that its annual production capacity could be a rough of some 200,000 models of applications as well as finished cars vw beetle .

Therefore where is Yorii? Yorii is really a city in Japan. It is situated in the northwestern element of Saitama prefecture. This is some 35 kilometers away from Sayama City and this can also be the site of 1 of Hondas existing plants that is known as the Saitama Factory or the Sayama Plant. The organization plans that when the Yorii plant starts its operations, they'll make sure that the present Sayama Plant would be renovated and updated to be able to make it the most advanced manufacturing plant in its operations sponsor .

The brand new plants construction still hasn't yet started although Honda is considering starting it in a couple of years. The newest place for Honda will be constructed on a lot that measures around 800,000 square meters. They've also already develop possible data and investment figures. As per investment, they've an estimated approximation of some 70 billion yen. They would also be able to use about around 2,200 contacts come the start of creation of the Yorii Plant. Another fact is that come the sum total annual production for the business, they'd have a growth of production. The existing number is some 1.3 million units. They're looking at some 1.5 million units produced used touareg talk .

Takeo Fukui, the president and CEO of Honda Motor Co, Ltd., has anything to state about their ideas, Honda may establish a good quality and highly efficient manufacturing process by making use of the most recent technologies. The newest plant will be accountable for evolving these production systems to other Honda operations across the world.

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