What Can Happen If High Blood Pressure Is Left Untreated?

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 13:28, 24. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Leonarda441 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Having less symptoms is excatly why some people who're aware they've high blood pressure don't take any steps to regulate and handle it. They think every thing is okay since they feel okay. But when high blood pressure is left untreated,...

until the disease has already reached an advanced phase because individuals with high blood pressure don't usually have any symptoms, high blood pressure is frequently called the silent killer. That is why having blood pressure checked frequently is essential <a href="http://versicherungs-wiki.de/index.php?title=FlemmingCelis97">understandable</a> .

The possible lack of signs is just why many people who're aware they have high blood pressure don't take any measures to manage and handle it. Because they feel okay they think everything is okay. But when high blood pressure is left untreated, significant problems may develop with time.

Strokes can be caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure. As high blood pressure causes a persons veins to get narrower and narrower, it is harder for blood to get to the mind. That could possibly cause blot clots in the brain, cause a vessel in the brain to flow, or cause a vessel in the brain to break.

Kidney disease ( occur if high blood pressure is left untreated. If the veins in the body are concentrated from sustained high blood pressure, the reduced circulation of blood throughout the body could cause waste to build-up in the blood since it is not getting to the kidneys often enough to discard all the waste products. As the waste builds up, it becomes more and more difficult for the kidneys to use and get rid of the waste, getting a big stress on the kidneys. This can cause the kidney functions to greatly reduce if not fail completely seanol benefits .

If the kidneys begin to function at less than twenty % of capacity, dialysis remedies will usually be required. A kidney transplant would be an option to prevent needing to get life time dialysis solutions if the individual is a for a and a kidney becomes available.

Problems with a persons eyes may also occur as a result of untreated high blood pressure, causing a lack of vision if it gets severe enough. High blood pressure also can cause dementia and memory loss.

Heart problems are another serious problem that can produce if high blood pressure is left untreated. The arteries in the heart can become stiff and hard from restricted blood circulation, producing an ailment called arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

It's common for individuals with untreated high blood pressure to have plaque gather in the main arteries of the center. The plaque deposits eventually cause a heart attack and could reduce blood circulation to the heart. High blood pressure narrows the arteries and blood vessels within the body. Getting oxygen rich blood to one's heart becomes more difficult whilst the veins get smaller. It'll create a heart attack, if the heart cannot get enough oxygen <a href="http://www.smosh.com/forum/general/anti-wrinkle-face-cream">No forums defined .

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