Nail Salons and Polish: Maybe not So Squeaky Clean

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 17:16, 28. rujna 2013. koju je unio/unijela Adan435 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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They look so harmless. Only small glass bottles full of colorful fluid. But nail polish might contain dangerous additives, such as formaldehyde, or conceal germs, viruses and fungi. Buyer beware!

The hazards of nail polish, though, are only half the story. We learned about rate us by searching books in the library. The other half is your nail salon. How clear could it be, really? How well does it protect you from disease?

Several nail salons are not what they seem to be. Despite advanced decorations and happy technicians, proper hygiene techniques were not followed by many places.

A new concept have been created by btg Cosmetics Inc., manufacturer of the Toma brand of nail polish known for its formaldehyde-free formula, in nail care: a, never-used personal-size bottle of polish that clients get to take home using them after their service is complete. BTG Cosmetics implies that you ask these questions before you sit down for your next manicure or pedicure:

* Is everything up to date? Be certain that the experts are properly certified and that your salon is operating under present licenses. Open In A New Browser includes new resources about how to study this belief. Visiting tell us what you think perhaps provides suggestions you should tell your pastor. Such documents should be shown.

* How are the instruments sanitized? Clippers, scissors, records and other devices must all be sterilized after each use. The tiny device that reveals tools to ultraviolet light has yet to be accepted by OSHA, and barbicide, the huge blue liquid cleaner, is a disinfectant only and will not destroy infections such as for instance hepatitis C.

Chemical sterilizers are used by many places with germicides and fungicides, but only a medical-grade autoclave can sterilize material items sufficiently by submitting them to extreme heat under extreme pressure. Even better: Some salons use new, individually covered tools for every single client.

* How safe could be the nail polish? Your nail polish must certanly be treated like your toothbrush - don't reveal. Rather than risk illness using a previously opened bottle of polish, obtain your salon to hold the Toma SlimLine personal polish selection or bring your own polish. As an added benefit, you can quickly and easily repair those expected chips in between nail services.