Controlling Recurring Tasks and Events

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 09:55, 25. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Leonarda441 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

When you put a task in your todo list or schedule an event in your diary, you have an alternative of establishing a recurrence pattern in operation management computer software that lets you make your task/event repeating with a particular periodicity. Such an option comes in many computer and online systems, such as Google Calendar, MS Outlook, VIP Task Manager, and more. Nevertheless, CentriQS desktop software offers you remarkable efficiency with the success of task recurrence settings and options close window .

Continuing Jobs in To-Do List
Reducing hair each month, planning regular stories, assembly friends on Fridays, taking a annual vacation, walking the dog each morning are many samples of business and personal responsibilities that can come up on a regular basis. Everybody handles repeating events and activities. Adding recurring tasks in your to-do list can help you keep your brain free and focus on your current jobs. In CentriQS you are able to develop a task list and put in a day-to-day, weekly, monthly or annual recurrence pattern for each todo object. The rollup options permit you to control the facts of your process when a new incident arises. The recurrence icon lets you separate the repeating activity from other non-recurring products in your todo list read .

Persistent Diary Events on Scheduler
Still another way to handle repeating actions is always to create continual schedule events on scheduler. On your calendar there might be multiple events (such as for instance daily appointments, regular meetings, customer telephone calls, etc.) that need to be managed on a regular basis. CentriQS features the Scheduler view that enables recurring schedule items to be created by you right on your individual diary. Each repeating item is shown as a continuing series that has start time and end time. If no finish date is set by the recurrence pattern, then your job is shown being an endless group of ever repeating events. Furthermore, you can set an email/desktop reminder that alerts you about your continuing event go here for more info .

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