The traits of the great coach

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 23:26, 5. listopada 2013. koju je unio/unijela Evan723 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Being a coach is straightforward. But being a good coach is yet another matter entirely. This job involves showing a great deal of certain psychological traits. If your coach is to succeed, he just has to show the next traits:

1.Knows the control he is training

It is trivial, but the coach has to know ins and outs of the discipline - the principles, the history, the techniques etc. Without it they'll probably quickly lose face when they start making mistakes and will not have the ability to do their work precisely.

2. Drives the players

That is probably the single most impor-tant characteristic of-a good coach. To get other ways to look at it, please consider checking out: acting classes jacksonville fl. Without proper motivation, every thing comes apart. Do not forget that a coach will need to lead a group of people, everyone-with different personal goals. The coach's job is give the people enough enthusiasm to make them start doing things just like they're ready to, and turn their attention from their private matters for the frequency.

3. Talks only if it gets results

A good coach can never speak with no good cause. If they talk too much, they'll never actually be listened, so a coach is a person who must talk only when required - this will give their words an additional weigh.

4. Has the capacity to hear

Being calmer than usual means also that the coach must be a good listener. This striking acting classes jacksonville fl URL has a few fine warnings for the inner workings of it. They need to become a surrogate father or mother for their staff and listening is the single-most impor-tant characteristic that may make it possible, if they're to become a great coach.

5. Knows their team

Another important issue is knowing one's team. And it is not just about matching their numbers with the names. A great coach knows everything - equally about professional and personal life of these players.

6. Treats everyone else individually

While (or because) a good coach should be aware of everyone and do their utmost to contain the place together, it is essential to handle every player individually. Yelling works only o-n some of them, the sam-e story has been talking seriously. Using the same method to get every one do what you say will really end in breaking a few of your participants to pieces.

7. Leads by example

The last, however not least: a superb coach do themselves everything he will ask the others to accomplish. They often set a good example - they're first on the classes and perform every single exercise they purchase other to-do.

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