DIY Driftwood for the aquarium

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 18:21, 26. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Leonarda441 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

DIY driftwood takes some time, however it will save you a lot of money. Some small parts cost more than $20. Also, the process (minus salt) will continue to work for store-bought driftwood. Store bought driftwood is washed and hasn't been soaked. This could cause tannins being released into your container

What youll need:

Driftwood, which may be found everywhere. It does not of necessity need to come from the water <a href="">water conditioner</a> . You might find it in the woods, as long as it's weathered down and looks unique. Also make certain the wood isn't rotting.

LARGE soaking container, I use a 15 woman rubber maid container.

Tank Salt, I use Doc Wellfish model. This is used as a natural method of killing bacteria and parasites.

First rung on the ladder, clear off your wood! Make certain all debris and bark are removed from the wood (or itll fall off in-your tank!). Once complete, boil the water in the BIG container and put tank salt. I use about a tablespoon per gallon. Boil the complete piece for about 2-4 hours depending on your size. If you can just match half the wood within the container then you will need to boil the other half.

When the steam is full you can move your wood into the rubber maid package. Add water before the whole piece of wood is under water if you want) (you can also add salt. When the wood doesn't drain place anything together with it until it does. Itll drain after having a fortnight. Youll notice the water develop into tea-ish color. It's the consequence of the tannins which are introduced to the water. If you didnt soak the wood, the water in your tank will be this color. Tannins are normal and some fishes actually like it because itll make them feel more at home. Itll also affect your PH, Im not sure about GH or KH. Youll need to do water changes every other day to wash the water. This might take weeks or months <a href="">advertiser</a> .

You'll need to soak your wood for another week without the salt, when the color of the soak water suffices. This can make sure that the wood does not keep any salt that may leak into your tank.

Once soaking is complete moves the wood into your tank and wash the wood well. Don't keep the wood out-of water for quite a while or it will flow.

For more information and pictures relating to this task, please visit and check the DIY part <a href="">the link</a> .

Post published by, member of CFT Community

Proof study by Brandan Njagu

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