Some Basic Background Information On Swimming Pool Tiles

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 06:38, 29. listopada 2013. koju je unio/unijela Harrisonreynolds2986 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

On a hot day, there are few things as enticing as a crystal clear swimming pool. The blue water is cool and refreshing, and the scene is enhanced by an attractive layout of colorful tiles. The tiling also makes cleaning easier as they are resistant to dirt. However, tiling a pool is a little different to other kinds of tiling. The following pointers should be kept in mind when working with replace pool tiles in summer.

The foremost issue when installing them is that they are underwater. This aquatic environment makes the application of specially adapted adhesive and grouting necessary. Besides the water, the latter must also be able to handle the chemicals which are added to the water to keep it clean.

It is therefore customary to use a waterproofing layer underneath the tiles. This layer should be designed to withstand the permanent presence of water. A cement-based mortar can be used for this purpose. The mortar should be relatively flexible to allow for movements of the structure as it settles in the ground. If the layer is not flexible enough, it is going to crack and cause the structure to leak water into the soil.

Once the waterproof layer has been installed, it is time to lay the tiles. As stated above, the adhesive must be able to withstand the eroding action of the water. An epoxy-based adhesive works very well under such conditions. A rubber-based adhesive also works well, and has the added advantage that it is flexible. Once a suitable adhesive has been chosen, the structure should be empty for the tiling to be laid.

Grouting is another important matter in tiling. The grouting used needs to be as water resistant as the adhesive. Sometimes, the adhesive can be used as both. Submersed grouting is not like other grouting, once again due to the presence of the water.

Cleaning the tiling shouldn't be too hard if the appropriate method of installation has been followed. The main problem experienced with the tiles is the accumulation of a calcium deposit where the water's surface meets them. Ordinary dirt also collects over time. Algae is another headache for swimming bath owners.

In cleaning the tiling, it is important not to make things too complicated. A little vinegar can work wonders if applied with sufficient elbow grease. If that doesn't do the job, there is the option of trying something a little stronger, like citric acid. These chemicals can be applied with a brush or a razor blade, but be careful not to cause any damage to the tiling. If the dirt is still there, there are several commercial cleaners to choose from, and ultimately there is the option of bead blasting. The latter may have to be done by a professional, though.

Pool maintenance takes time and application, but the diligent owner is rewarded with convenience and refreshment in summer. Maintenance includes the tiles. The aesthetic appeal of the swimming pool tiles( anti slip tiles designs ) should not be underestimated in adding to the general value of the property.