Effective Online Marketing Strategies - Video Marketing

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 00:17, 8. studenog 2013. koju je unio/unijela Alva97 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Effective Online Marketing Strategies: Video MarketingIt is interesting to note that almost 50% of all traffic today comes to a website through video marketing so let's look a little closer at exactly what video marketing is.

When you analyzethe most effective strategies for marketing on the Internet today you come up with numerous possibilities. However it is interesting to note that almost 50% of all traffic today comes to a website through video marketing.

Let's look a little closer at exactly what video marketing is.

The most popular video sharing site in the world is YouTube. This is a great source of information and savvy Internet marketers have quickly realized that.

What you may not be aware of is how many people actually go to YouTube and search for specific information as opposed to using a search engine. Google understood that this was going to happen and that's the reason they purchased YouTube a few years ago.

Videos are uploaded at YouTube and other shared video sites similar to other types of marketing like blogging or article marketing. These can be uploaded directly from the producer of the video.

The most important thing to realize is search engines are showing videos in their search results. When you combine the fact that people are also searching directly on video sharing sites you understand how important it is to be doing video marketing yourself.

Marketing effectively on the Internet is competitive regardless of how you do it. There's always skills that must be learned and then implemented to help you keep your business up to date with what's going on in the marketplace.

Video marketing is certainly no different. The bottom line is if you do not use videos to promote your products on the Internet you are going to lose market share to your competitors. Can you afford to do that?

This does not mean that you have to become a professional videographer.  As we mentioned there are services that make it very easy to help people create videos. That also makes it easy to get them submitted online where search engines and people can find them.

In the future you need to do as much video marketing as you possibly can. As we have explained this only makes sense because that is what your potential customers are looking for.