Creative Real Estate Investment

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 22:21, 29. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Migdalia14 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
An example of innovative real estate investment? I had work that paid $3.40 an hour, when I was young, and I somehow saved enough to get my first piece of real estate - 2 acres near where I lived. It cost $3,500. 

I spent a few hours removing brush, outlined a driveway with logs, and hand-painted an indication. A couple of weeks after I purchased I bought the land for $4,750, with $250 down, $100 each month, at 11% interest. Together with the capital gain, my annual return on investment was more than 206. This was my first genuine estate investment.

Creative Investment - The Critical

I bought the land cheap, since the owner needed cash real estate company . I solved his problem. I bought the land higher-than the market value as the customer needed easy terms. Second problem solved. Solving issues could be the key to creative investment.

Stereo, cell phone businesses, police departments and others need hill tops for his or her systems. The problem is they can not tie-up their capital buying them. One innovative buyer found ways to solve their problem.

He got six-month options on mountain top houses for some hundred pounds. Then, when he found those that needed them, he'd obtain a long term lease signed we buy houses austin . They built the structure them-selves, obviously. Using a lease at your fingertips, it was easy-to get funding to exercise the option and buy the houses. He invested a couple of hundred dollars to make years of money.

Woods are essential by lumber mills. A pal of mine solved this issue by letting a business cut half the trees on his small house. They paid $4,500, and I really could not begin to see the huge difference when they were done. The house was worth just as much the day after the cut because the day before alternatives to foreclosure . My friend lived there, but an innovative trader can get property like his, sell half the trees, probably clay o-r gravel also, and then re-sell the property.

To resolve dilemmas, you've to determine what they are. Do people need easy terms? Removed lots? Lumber? Greater access to a piece of property? Smaller items of property? Condos as opposed to apartments? The list could go on. Keep in mind that solving problems is the key to creative real estate investment.
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