Does Green Tea style like grass?

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 08:29, 30. svibnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Adan435 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

In accordance with Chinese legend, green tea was conceived by an who was out in the forest, and had just boiled a of water on his fire. Suddenly automated link building service, a gust of wind released his fire and blew leaves from the nearby tree to the emperors heated water. When he returned, the emperor was upset, but nonetheless made a decision to drink the water and then discover that it now tasted excellent. Realizing what had happened, he took a few of the leaves from the tree house with him, and so conceived tea.

Whether thats true or not, there's no doubting that tea has a long and noble history in China and many other Asian countries, and most of the tea they consume has long been either white or green tea. Since the 9th century in Japan It is known to have been eaten as long ago, and has long been a drink and a status symbol, along with a drink that's thought to have a broad variety of health benefits.

The difference between green tea and Western black tea isnt that they are different plants they are both made from camellia sinesis, the tea plant but that the leaves are treated differently after they are chosen. Whilst the green colour of the leaves is still present, while green teas therapy stops following the drying phase, black tea is first dry out and then fermented such that it lasts longer. While this means that green tea doesnt stay fresh for lengthy, it also means that it's a much better taste than black tea, and many think that it's much better for you.

The very first time you taste green tea you will probably believe that it somehow tastes green, or grass-like, but it's difficult to explain. The best way to find out whether youll like it or not would be to just give it a spin.

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