Natural Unheated Sapphire3968782

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 02:55, 30. studenog 2013. koju je unio/unijela RichardjirdnjsjsjWheeland (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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A Natural sapphire is a stone of wisdom, royalty, prophecy and divine favor. It is forever intertwined with all things sacred and considered the gem of all gemstones. A natural sapphire is a jewel steeped in rich history of nearly every civilization. Although its ability to bring luck mostly depends on the eye of the beholder, a sapphire’s beauty is undeniable. Every natural unheated sapphire is unique, and has its own individual color and sparkle.

Ancient civilizations of both Egypt and Rome believed natural sapphires to be sacred and to hold the secrets of truth and justice. Natural sapphires are also symbols of peace, friendship and persistence, which makes them a perfect gift for engagement rings or rings symbolizing a long lasting relationship.

The blue sapphire, signified the height of celestial hope and faith to the heavenly world, and was believed to bring protection, good fortune and spiritual insight. Blue Sapphires range in various hues and colors from pale to deep dark royal blue, with the most highly desired color being the velvety cornflower blue, also known as Kashmir.

Natural unheated sapphires are extremely rare with an estimated 95% of the current market supply of sapphires said to be treated. Treated sapphires are replicated over and over to keep up with growing global demand but they lack all the unique special qualities a natural sapphire provides.

Unheated Sapphires from Deliqa Gems are 100% natural; no heat, synthetics or chemicals added. Each sapphire is entirely unique with its own natural beauty.

Just like a beautiful love story, the sapphire that you fall in love with, is the perfect sapphire for you. Their breathtaking beauty and captivating colors will illuminate your well-being and bring elegance to your life. Capturing memories that will be treasured for a lifetime, a unique sapphire is perfect for a loved one.

Detailed info on unheated blue sapphire can be found on the main website.

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