The e-bay Buyer's FAQ.

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 14:44, 6. prosinca 2013. koju je unio/unijela Ozella71 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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The e-bay Buyer's FAQ.

So you have a problem? Has something gone very wrong and you do not understand what to do? Well, good enough. Here are the issues that I hear on a regular basis from customers.

Does eBay have a Customer-service Department I Can Telephone?

eBay are notoriously hard to get hold of, in case you ever have to - it sometimes seems like they expect the site to perform it-self. You can email them, so long as you do not have your heart set o-n a coherent response: head to You might have better luck in a 'live aid' webchat here:

Only eBay Power Sellers (sellers with a very high feedback rating) get to phone customer support. If you actually want to try your luck, kind 'ebay [your country] contact number' in to a search engine and you'll probably find something. Unfortuitously, the possibilities are you will have visited all that trouble for the privilege of making an answerphone message.

Should they gave out their phone number everywhere It might seem cruel, but imagine the number of men and women who would call eBay every-day using the silliest questions. Its Wild West character is, in a way, part of its appeal. Should you desire to identify more about, we recommend millions of databases you could pursue. Discover supplementary info on this affiliated use with - Click this link: inside adults bean bag chairs.

E-bay Sent Me an Email Saying They're Planning to Close My Account. What Must I Do?

That e-mail asks for your code, right? It's a fraud, an effort to discourage you, make you give up your details and then steal your consideration. E-bay will never ask for your password or any consideration facts by email. E-bay say that you need to only ever enter your password o-n pages that whose addresses start with They also provide a particular 'Account Guard' as part of their toolbar, which lets you check that you are not giving your password to some fake fake site. It is possible to study more here: In case you desire to identify more about, there are many on-line databases you should consider pursuing.

It Appears Too-good to be True. So How Exactly Does amazon Generate Income?

For you, the buyer, e-bay is free. Dealers, though, pay all sorts of fees: an inventory fee for each item they record, a final value fee (a percentage of what the item sold for). They could they spend charges for extra ser-vices, including Buy it Now, extra photos, reserve charges, high-lighting the auction, putting it in striking, listing it first searching results as well as putting it on the front page. You can see the full set of charges at This riveting wholesale giant bean bag URL has numerous surprising lessons for the reason for it.

It is obviously worth it to the vendors, however, or they'd not keep on using eBay. The system is fairly reliable, and ostensibly forces both e-bay and the retailers to keep their income as low as possible - otherwise costs will just get excessive and the consumers will stop buying.

How Safe is e-bay?

Well, as it happens, that's the subject of our next email! Each of eBay's protection services for buyers and sellers are in one area, named 'SafeHarbor.' SafeHarbor manages investigation and fraud prevention, assists with dispute resolution and keeps rule-breakers under control. Read about it next time, and be safe.

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