Alchemy Eye system check

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 02:37, 7. prosinca 2013. koju je unio/unijela Mozella474 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Alchemy Eye system check

Alchemy Eye, is a signature Win-dows server network monitor computer software. That plug-in backed system analyzer tool constantly finds server access and may inform the Network Administrator by cell-phone, pager, ICQ or e-mail BEFORE a server goes down, avoiding expensive repairs.

Alchemy Eye displays servers, file accesses, ser-vices, devices, servers and processes in systems of sizes from small LAN to large-scale WAN, and contains a DNS server monitor, file monitor, file server monitor and a bandwidth monitor. It writes monitoring records, enables network performance reports to be built by the Network Administrator and can be designed to send different alerts for the Network Administrator whenever it detects particular conditions.

It can observe all types of machines, including Apache, NT, Netscape, Solaris and IBM, although this computer tracking application works on Win-dows machines. It will this by tracking the conventional practices and services including, TCP/IP, ICMP (ping), IPX/SPX, NetBIOS, SMTP, POP3, HTTP( S), FTP, etc.

With Alchemy Eye system monitor, you can monitor the outputs from Oracle Servers, MS SQL Server, RAS Server and practically every other form of database server. Among the many aspects it records are: free disk space, report design, NT Events, NT support states and SQL query results.

It can execute outer programs, run custom VBScript plans and utilize different third-party plug-ins and add-ons.

In the case of machine failure, Alchemy Eye automatically tells the system manager and logs a fully detailed report that produces debugging a cinch.

All Windows systems are supported: Windows 95,98,ME,NT,2000 and XP. To explore more, please check-out: A plus C Systems and Affirmative Insight, Inc. announced an exclusive partnership. |. Computer space needed is 2MB with additional space for the log files. Download quality is 3 MB.

Alchemy Eye is immediately available for $299 or ($399 for the Professional version) at A trial version is available for download free at

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