Large Casters With Flying Planes

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 14:26, 3. lipnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela Leonarda441 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
Against ghoul, I sort of like storm bolt however. Surprise bolt kills the enemy one  at the same time ultimate demon . Coupled  with bash, you are able to keep a metamorph demon hunter  dizzy for your struggle. 

But, this strategy has one weakness. Think about if opponents work with a large amount of air system?

Hill master is definitely my last hero. Meanwhi...

In Warcraft, among the best approaches for people are large caster. Along with thunder, stormbolt and blizzard clap it may annihilate almost all resistance.

Against ghoul, I kind of like storm bolt nevertheless. Surprise bolt kills the enemy one at the same time. Combined with bash, you can keep a metamorph devil rogue dizzy for your struggle.

However, this plan has one weakness. How about if predators work with a lot of air system?

Mountain king is definitely my last hero. Meanwhile, I sacrifice a peasant or two to look at what enemies are creating. It is time for you to beef up your troops with flying machine, if opponents are building air products to a lot.

Mix of flying machines, which is an anti air counter, with mass wheels are brilliant.

The sorceres can slow or even polymorph many expensive device. while your flying machines strike the frustrating hypogrhyp raider.

Could this be countered? One man beat me up with a lot of hypogrhyp competitors and chimera. That's the only way I understand how to overcome it.

I will incorporate this strategy with double growth strategy. However, I believe it is more useful not to create development.

Therefore, easily create ceremony, farm, and make peasants untill your food is 18. Build lumber mill and system.

Then enhance your city hall. Harass enemies if necessary. You should use water essential or blizzard.

You need to use both water and blizzard necessary if there feature of manna.

Then build sorceres, priests, and paladin. Quickly update your city hall to fort.

Hunt with your peasants. Take a look at his opponents. When it is ground product, keep working out casters. If it is flying, then quickly build blacksmith and 2-3 classes.Buy Ultimate Demon At The Ultimate Demon Webring. All Your Great Discounts And Ultimate Demon Bonus To Succeed In Link Building At The Ultimate Demon Webring!
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