Selling Your Site Twice!

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 09:08, 11. prosinca 2013. koju je unio/unijela Ozella71 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Selling Your Site Twice!

I recently became aware that promoting your site searching Engines could quickly be double within Google! That is right, you can straight away market your site 2 times at once!

I recently became aware that promoting your website searching Engines may quickly be doubled within Google! That's right, you are able to quickly promote your site two times simultaneously!

Just how would you Market Your Website twice?


Most of us usually promote But the thing you need to realize is that most sites are available on search engines by just entering.. - with no internet.

Test it to get a second, lets head to google and enter your website with the internet. and then minus the internet. Be taught more about discount by navigating to our commanding website.

So for me it would be:



The same will submit an application for sub-domains also. A sub-domain can be a part of your website focused on some thing you create but rather of living within your normal directory, it exists within it's own directory,like I've illustrated below..



And with that again, it is possible to encourage your sub-domain twice browsing Engines like so..



Therefore in turn, I've just showed you how you can market 4 websites with the sam-e goal in mind, yours of course!

How you can utilize your found knowledge:

Hopefully, you're all aware of how important it is to make a link exchange system to your business? Well, everything you just need to do is always to mix up your links when submitting to other companies for a list inside their site.

In other words..

Lets say I just discovered 4 sites that I want to trade links with, I'd do something like this..

Site #1: I would submit (

Site #2: I would submit (

Site #3: I would submit (

Site #4: I would send (

Now I am promoting my site with 4 times the ability than before!

But do not stop there..

Can you write articles? What about doing 2 of your links to every post. Modify them up with each article.


Report no 1 (How to Submit Your Site to Search Engines)

Take to putting

Post number 2 (How to Market Your Site Twice)

Take to adding &

I am hoping this little timbit of knowledge gives the advantage to you you need to set your company ahead of the game!

Most readily useful of luck for you!

Study more of Martins articles online here:

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