Tips for Avoiding Puppy Mills

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 01:45, 18. prosinca 2013. koju je unio/unijela Iliana831 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Puppy mills are the not-so-secret dark side of the dog world. Puppy mills could be shut down by creating an awareness about their futility. If you are looking for a puppy, you may resort to several measures so that you do not end up buying the product of a puppy mill. Before they can actually avoid buying puppies that come from a puppy mill, they must firstly understand what a puppy mill actually is. People can stay away from puppy mills if they understand what they are to begin with.

Puppy mills are a place where they bred and produce puppies, just like any other product is manufactured at a mill. Puppy mills resemble production lines, and disregard the health of the dogs. Puppy mill owners feed the dogs cheap, inferior quality food, house them in small cages, do not show love or affection towards the animals and do not even let them play or run around. Developing attitude and ailments is commonplace when dogs are raised in puppy mills due to inclement conditions.

Unfortunately some less reputable sellers, whether pet stores or individuals, get their dogs from puppy mills. An ideal and somewhat unrealistic way of avoiding puppy mills is to avoid buying puppies from these sources. Sometimes just a few simple questions can help you be a more discerning consumer. If a pet store is not able to verify where they purchased their puppies from, it could very well mean the puppies were purchased from a puppy mill. Pet stores always have verifiable documentation to prove that they are selling puppies from reputable sources.
Find out what laws are on the books in your state regarding the care and breeding of animals. Talk to your local representative about specific issues you have seen. A lot of people think they do good by saving a puppy when they buy it directly from the mill. However, that will only encourage puppy mill owners to continue breeding progressively more puppies. A great and effective step to take to get puppy mills shut down is to create laws in regards to their existence.

It is possible to eliminate the need for puppy mills altogether by adopting pups and dogs at animal shelters or going through a breeder who has a healthy standing. People who want to buy a puppy from a reliable source will simply need to find compassionate breeders that exists, certainly. Good breeders will never be hesitant about showing the area where they keep their dogs and puppies, while a puppy mill owner will always avoid showing the puppy mill and how it is run. If a breeder keeps their dogs in a neat and tidy facility with plenty of room, their dogs will be healthy and happy. Often times, the puppies parents will live in the house with the breeder as a pet.

Animal shelters provide an improved source to get puppies that didn't originate from puppy mills. Dogs that are found in animal shelters for adoption are rescue animals and therefore, those that adopt them are doing the greatest deed, by giving that pet a home forever. Animal Shelters offer dogs of all breeds and allow people to avoid supporting an industry that breeds misery.

Puppy mills are cruel and harsh places where animals are never treated properly. All puppy mills are going to be out business and forced to close down one day with the awareness being raised about the plight of animals surviving in these conditions.

If you enjoyed this article about dogs and have or know children who love to read puppy books, then check out this new digital interactive dog book for kids all about puppies. It makes a perfect gift for any dog loving child ages 8 year and up who loves to play and learn at the same time.

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