A Review Adding a New Kitten to Your Older Cat

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 01:56, 19. prosinca 2013. koju je unio/unijela Hoodsecond93 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

It's generally speaking thought that cats succeed better with the company of still another feline, particularly cats confined inside. But before you. . . So, you read somewhere that introducing a fresh cat into your property could be great for your existing pet, for friendship. And you remember how much fun your pet was when she was a brand new cat, and you'd like to re-live those times. It is broadly speaking thought that cats succeed better with the company of another feline, specially cats confined inside. But before you hurry off to the local cat refuge or breeder, listed below are several tips to make taking home a brand new cat as stress free as possible. Pick a time when your home is not too busy and you will have time to give to your brand-new cat and your active cat, avoid holidays, for example, or other instances when family and friends are most likely to go to. Before bringing the new cat to home, get her to your vet to get her examined and vaccinated, kittens have poor immune systems and will likely grab anything in the protection or cattery. Con-sider adopting a cat of the other sex to your current cat, this can prevent sam-e sex competition and related issues. For several reasons all your cats must be spayed/neutered. If possible arrange to shower your new kitten in a friends home before you get it home, this can neutralize kitty's smell, and go a way to stop un-settling your pet. When introducing a fresh cat a short isolation period is important. It'd be great to have a separate area for the new cat, your new little pet will need her very own litter box, and food and water bowl. Some kittens will hideout under furniture for some days, more daring types will be wanting to explore their new home almost straight away. Do not take to and force pet to leave the area, you will know when she is ready. Let your brand-new kitten while your older cat is in another place to explore around your home. Make the introduction, gradually, little by little, it is a good idea to allow your existing cat smell your brand-new kitten's cover once or twice before they really meet. Make the initial periods of contact small. Gradually increase the time as they get used to the other person that they spend together. It's not unusual for there to become a few quarrels in these first meetings, so do not leave them alone together until they can get on. If a fight does bust out, distract the combatants and get them into separate areas when possible, never punish either cat. Identify more on infectious cat diseases by browsing our ideal web page. The method of adding a fresh cat to an older cat, can frequently be relatively stress free and do not need to be filled with issues. The key is for making the release gradually, and probably the best idea of most is to give your older cat just as much attention and love as you give the beginner. Before you know it you'll have two cats that thrive on each others company.

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