
Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 02:44, 21. prosinca 2013. koju je unio/unijela Fenderage1 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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Regardless of how much progress is produced in promoting gender equality, there are certain fundamental differences between men and women that affect how both sexes live-and how healthy those lives are. As an example, women are disproportionately affected and disabled by joint diseases such as fibromyalgia, lupus and arthritis, according to a report in Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Re-search. In fact, women suffer from severe arthritis at three times the rate of men, and ac-cording to research from the New England Journal of Medicine, are twice as more likely to need total joint replacements. Cindy Goodfellow from Temple, Texas, experienced this inequality first-hand. For a second viewpoint, please consider having a view at: meniscus tear treatment without surgery . A dynamic senior with six grandchildren, Goodfellow's arthritis affected her so severely in her legs that she had trouble doing routine activities. Arthritis Juvenile Rheumatoid Treatment &Amp; Dog Arthritis This Is A Social Circle contains more concerning when to study this belief. 'Every time I climbed, stood or even sat in one place for a while, the suffering was excruciating,' said Goodfellow. We discovered Understanding Chronic Leukemia by browsing Yahoo. 'I felt like I was living a part-time life.' She knew that she needed to act before her pain forced her to miss the things she liked most. But thousands and thousands of women aren't seeking the procedure they require. As the need for total joint replacement could be greater for girls, studies show they are less likely to want to get treatment. There are certainly a variety of ideas why, from relentless agendas to uncertainty about shared replacements themselves. After consulting with her doctor on possible solutions, Goodfellow chose to undergo surgery and receive a Stryker Triathlon knee replacement, the initial knee system designed with ladies in mind. In the event people hate to dig up further on stem cells osteoarthritis treatment , we know about thousands of on-line databases you should pursue. According to years of study, the Triathlon Knee System features a more narrow style than old-fashioned leg improvements, helping give improved fit and function for the feminine anatomy. Dr. Kirby Hitt, a leading orthopaedist from Temple, Texas, performed the surgery on Goodfellow and is one of many first specialists in the world to make use of the Triathlon Knee System at his training. 'With the demand for joint replacement therapy growing, I want to be certain my patients receive a knee system that's the potential to meet their specific needs, irrespective of their gender,' said Dr. Hitt. 'With the Triathlon, my people are consistently surprised with all the shorter amount of the recovery period and how quickly they recover their range of motion and perform activities that have been hard ahead of surgery.' One of the important components of a knee system is its bearing technology. Not only does the Triathlon system provide an improved fit for women, but its Stryker bearing-surface technology gives ease of mind to individuals like Goodfellow for several years in the future. 'At first, knee replacement surgery seemed like a frightening procedure,' said Goodfellow. 'But after getting the Triathlon and having the ability to accomplish such things as kneeling in the garden and using my grandchildren, I am unable to imagine my entire life any way.'.

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