Ivy League Feeder Schools?

Izvor: KiWi

Inačica od 07:48, 7. siječnja 2014. koju je unio/unijela Hermelinda825 (Razgovor | doprinosi)
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The Harvard Crimson lately published Recording Connection short article that goes to the number of applicants of certain private educational facilities from the Usa that were admitted to Harvard this past yr. They labeled these educational institutions specifically as "Harvard feeder schools".

These faculties are as follows: Boston Latin College (in fact older than Harvard), Phillips Exeter, Phillips Academy in Andover, Stuyvesant Significant College, Noble & Greenough College, Trinity Faculty, & Lexington High School.

The posting mentions the highly selective nature of these private schools and hints that their admissions process seemingly mimics that of Harvard and other highly selective schools within the college admissions process so those students matriculate at Harvard in greater numbers. I beg to differ on that point. Maybe they get into Harvard in greater numbers but that does not necessarily mean they matriculate in greater numbers.

Yes, those are highly selective schools in their own right and the their admissions process is tough but those are some of the top colleges inside the United states and their college counselors are top notch and manage student, and parent expectations with fine detail. Their college counselors are experts in their field and have decades of experience and the contacts at highly selective educational facilities to yield those numbers.

These personal universities are already selecting the best of the best from an early age. To put it in baseball terms, those faculties are already selecting kids that are some of the brightest and smartest kids so they are getting fast tracked to the major leagues.

Also, Harvard University has a great handle on how and what these non-public educational facilities teach, i.e. their curriculum and how rigorous it is. A cursory look at their Course of Studies in these schools shows you that their courses closely resemble rigorous college courses. Do you notice something? There is not one AP course in there so it shatters the myth that you need loads of AP courses to gain entry to a highly selective school. You need to work hard though.

And there is a lot more variety in their curriculum too, much like a college/university.

The post also mentions the strong connection that these non-public faculty students have with their college counselor. University admissions is dependent upon having a strong relationship with your college admissions counselor (also called university counselor)! They know the best college prep activities and how the college admissions process works.

More importantly, they know the students and what they might want in a college or university. They can say to the student, "I think you should take a look at XYZ University because they have an environment that is similar to the way you learn. You can also be a top student in this school."

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