Funny Quotes to Put on Instagram Pictures

Izvor: KiWi

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Enjoy my latest collection of funny Instagram quotes and bios ideas. You must try to post these Instagram jokes on your Facebook status as well to get viral likes and interesting comments.

Funny Instagram Quotes
Yes it's so weird, when a person just realized you double tap to like a picture on instagram.
Instagram cool effects allow me to wear expensive dresses without spending a penny, I love it.
Every time I see an awesome picture I double click it. I keep double clicking it until I remember I'm on Facebook not on instagram.
You are ugly, but it doesn't matter whether you're satisfied or not. What matters is how you use the Instagram.
I’ts funny how y’all have been dating but her instagram says single.
That awkward moment when fails to recognize your own photo on the Instagram.
I am scrolling through someone's instagram photos and accidentally doing a double tap. "Oh yes! Now I'm a creeper".
So I just finished watching a boxing match, it was a good fight. Anyway interesting part was at the end, when the winner said follows me on instagram.
So I just started instagram. But be warned! I will take pictures of funny and maybe disturbing contents of things. Follow me if you dare! Or you can just follow me to make me feel cool.
Can people stop with the "niggas be like" pictures on instagram? They are corny and not funny. You people are killing instagram.
Instagram is like twitter but it is for people who can't read!
Why the hell isn't my instagram working? I have an awesome photo of my toe I need to share with the world.
Instagram is shut down for the moment. All the ugly faces had to face the real world.
What does it mean when I'm getting fake spammers on my Instagram?
I have Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. I guess that makes me an instant twit face.
It could be just me being a rookie on Instagram but taking pictures of food? You have got to be kidding me, I can think of a few other things that might inspire me to cook up a Kodak moment and a burger.
As much beef that people be having on Facebook, Twitter and instagram, it’s so good they don't have a gun or knife button.
Romney wants to ban Instagram in America because he thinks it’s a phone app for measuring drugs!
Instagram is becoming annoying as with all the spam. Get your strength together guys and block that evil.
Fair warning! If I ever catch someone wearing a service uniform of any kind especially marine corps blues as a Halloween costume I will take a legal action against them. I've seen some kids on instagram thinking it’s a good costume idea.
If only I had Instagram I could make myself look so different so when people meet me they don't know who I am.
I hate when people buy snacks and they Instagram it to make people jealous.
Blocking morons on Facebook and Instagram and saving their number as "NO" isn't enough to keep them from annoying me!
Weird is when someone you don't know goes thru all of your Instagram photos and like them. Then when you click on their profile there are only pics of pigs.
Breaking News: Instagram is down for maintenance! The girls come out in the streets showing their printed photos in guy’s faces and yelling "please rate it”
Instagram is a place where we are our own worst paparazzi.
Stop showing how many Instagram likes you've gotten, I can't give you a French kiss on the internet.
The walking dead liked my photo on Instagram. This guy is a happy camper!
What the hell is this Instagram I see this food everywhere on the Facebook and have no idea how to eat it.
Protein has changed Asian genetics, men who took protein shakes got bigger on purpose, and the woman got curves from drinking Starbucks and eating McDonald’s protein.

The problem with short hair: No matter what method you try, every time you try to get your bangs off of your face, you look weird.

Breaking news! Instagram is down and guys’ talent rises up. Girls start breaking their cell phones.
If you are unable to post your self-shot mirror pictures on Instagram, you really need to worry about your mental level.
I don’t understand why people use the Instagram app to put dark effects on their already dark photos.

All these 8th graders and freshmen getting tattoos like WTH you're too young. You should just stick with playing pretend and a sharpie full of ink!

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