8 Steps for Removing Whiteheads and Blackheads

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

How to remove blackhead easy ways

If you have oily skin and want to remove whiteheads and blackheads, select a gentle facial cleanser specially formulated for oily skin, wash your face with clean warm water, pour a nickel-sized amount of the cleanser onto a clean damp washcloth, gently wipe your face with the washcloth, remove the soap using another clean damp washcloth, apply a blackhead removing strip, tone your skin using witch hazel, and apply benzoyl peroxide using a clean cotton swab.
Natural products like argan oil <http://www.theacnemaster.com/how-to-remove-blackheads/> are great for improving the health and appearance of the skin. However, there are times when pores become clogged leading to outbreaks of skin blemishes like blackheads and whiteheads. It is important to clean one’s skin properly in order to remove these unsightly blemishes. If you have oily skin and suffer from whiteheads and blackheads, you can follow these steps to clean your skin and rid it of impurities:
Select a gentle facial cleanser specially formulated for oily skin
Facial cleansers are essential to any skincare regimen. Choose a cleanser that is gentle and specially formulated for oily skin. It should be oil and fragrance free. Avoid using regular body soaps as they tend to be harsh on skin and can dry it out.
Wash your face with clean warm water
Be sure to wash your hands so that they are clean before you do this step. Dampen your face with clean warm water. The water should not be too hot as this could dry out the skin and cause redness.
Pour a nickel-sized amount of the cleanser onto a clean damp washcloth
Get a clean washcloth and dampen it with water. Pour a nickel-sized amount of the cleanser on the washcloth and rub it together to make soap suds.
Gently wipe your face with the washcloth
Wipe your face with the washcloth. Make sure that you do this gently and do not rub or scrub your face as it may irritate it. Start wiping at the center and move away in circular motions. Do this step on all areas of your face including your throat.
Remove the soap using another clean damp washcloth
Get another clean washcloth and dampen it with clean warm water. Use this to wipe off the cleanser from your face. Make sure you use another washcloth so you will not be transferring the oil and dirt from the first cloth back on to your skin. Pat your face dry with a dry towel after all the cleanser has been wiped off.
Apply a blackhead removing strip
Purchase a blackhead removing strip for oily skin from a drugstore or beauty section of the department store. You should do this right after washing your skin with warm water so the pores are still open. Press the strip on the affected area of the skin and leave on for the time specified in the directions. After the given time, swiftly pull off the strip.
Tone your skin using witch hazel
Dampen a cotton ball with witch hazel and apply it evenly to your skin. Witch hazel is known for being a gentle skin toner. This is great for removing excess oil from the skin without drying it out.
Apply benzoyl peroxide on your skin using a clean cotton swab
Purchase 5% benzoyl peroxide from your local drugstore and squeeze a small amount on a cotton swab. Apply it on any whiteheads and leave it. This will dry out the blemish.
Do this skincare regimen once in the morning and again before bed. Do not over-wash your face as it can dry out or irritate your skin.

Read more at http://www.theacnemaster.com/how-to-remove-blackheads

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