Dinosaur Spotlight- Introducing Stegosaurus- the plated giant

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

Can you imagine traveling back throughout time to the land mass we call North America in a time era known as the Late Jurassic, roughly 150-144 million years ago? Upon arrival you come face to face with a large reptile about the size of a normal sized elephant, but covered with plates on its back and spikes on its tail. Let me to present you to Stegosaurus, (say “Steg-owe-sore-uss”) the “plated giant”.

While similar in size to an elephant with a length of 8-9 meters (26-29.5 feet), standing approximately 3.5 meters in height (11.5 feet) counting the plates and weighing 2-3 metric tons (2-3 tons), the Stegosaurus was one large animal! In real appearance, the Stegosaurus appeared much different than an elephant. Instead of the big head and trunk, it had a very tiny head no longer than your forearm, with small jaws and a bill. On its back stood a double line of plates that were designed like triangles that were greater than 75 centimeters (30 inches) in height. On the end of its tail were 4 elongated spikes that could be utilized as a weapon against any enemies.

Fortunately, if you did encounter a Stegosaurus, it would not think of you as a yummy snack, as this large dinosaur was a eater of plants that fed not on meat, but instead plants such as ferns.

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