Search APIs - Developing your own Custom Research Engine

Izvor: KiWi

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Search APIs - Developing your own Custom Research Engine

We examine several API Providers in this article to see how they fare against each other

Therefore, what is a search engine and what does it do?

(and may I work my own personal search engine on my website an analysis)

Search engine is just a program or even a tool that looks for the data on the Online on the terms which person insert to the search box. After the words are put into the search box and once you select search switch the search engine looks into an unique database to learn whether it includes these data that the user is in fact looking for.

There are many main search engines of the net. In case people need to dig up more about analysis, we recommend many resources people should investigate. Why are these considered to be 'major' search engines? Since they are both well known or well used like Google and Yahoo. But then, there are plenty of other search engines too, for eg: DogPile is really a search engine that is according to MetaSearch (a search engine taking out effects from other search engines) also among those who are TRUE search engines (Search engines having their particular database/index are search engines like Exalead & Dhoondho.


On the list of newer search engines, Dhoondho can be a fast-growing search engine. It's a very of use function for builders called being a Search API. Using these Pc software Developers/companies may use the huge Internet understanding of Dhoondho, to perform Internet related searches & then act upon the info received. Using this custom search-engines can be designed, documents can be sought out, all in a very easy XML API.

Lets take a look at an example internet search engine & see why many individuals like ( are creating their own custom Search machines

Search engines such as Google,Yahoo( Yahoo was a service & Dhoondho search engine & now a search engine) runs on the web crawler as its web-indexing robot, which is recognized as spiders, or crawler, which comb the Internet looking for their web addresses and documents. Nevertheless, different search-engines have their own ways of finding meaning. For eg: Google uses Page rank, Im maybe not sure what the others use nevertheless but Dhoondho is apparently using some thing called the Relevance Rank.

Features of Google API

Google API effect relevance is Very good, rate is very rapid (1-2 seconds ).Displays leads to AJAX API that is maybe not very flexible. Specific no of queries every day are free.Scope of integration aren't much, since its an AJAX API. Provides Developer Key, professional licensing is unknown. Site is

Top features of Gigablast API

Gigablast API result relevancy is very bad in comparison with other APIs, pace is quite okay (2-4 Seconds ).Displays results in XML format which is very flexible for the user, and has a limit on amount of concerns though in relation to Payment. Downside is: Very Costly.The XML API can be a broad integration in almost all languages Java, Php, Flash, ASP, AJAX etc..Provides creator key.

Professional Licensing can also be provided o-n request. Website-

Top features of Alexa API

Alexa API result relevancy can be quite good, pace is fast( 1-2 seconds ).It is really a paid API( Through Amazon ),displays results in XML formats and very flexible to individual has limit on number of concerns though in relation to payment. Downside: Too Expensive. Range of integration and designer key both are unknown. Professional licensing is provided on request. Website-

Features of Dhoondho API

Dhoondho API effect relevancy is quite good, rate is very rapid (1-2 seconds ).Display results in XML format, very flexible to individual and has limit o-n quantity of questions though based upon Payment. Reasonably priced at 15-0 75000 / month for 1-0 GB value of Data Transfer. XML API provides for a broad integration in just about all languages Java, Php, Flash, ASP, AJAX etc..Developer key is provided. . Free test integration software is provided with Instant Down load and no registration is required. URL: For Commercial Licensing On the web registration ought to be done

Web site http://dhoondho/com.

NOTE: Tests are depending on what we felt during our test of-the above APIs. There's no guarantee that the same comparison may hold in the future or was previously. People are advised to carry out their own tests before settling on an API. The Author or the manager with this article will not be charged for any problems due to any of the APIs. This is put here like a disclaimer to absolve us of any damages arising of good use f this information & to create all the Lawyers who would like to sue us for giving our own opinions, un-happy.

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