Finally Blemish Free - Remove Blackheads Fast and Easy

Izvor: KiWi

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How to remove blackhead easy ways

Anyone who is dealing with skin problems like acne can tell you that one of their biggest problems comes with the blackheads on their faces and they would love to know how to remove blackheads. They grew up being told that they should pinch the black heads and squeeze them out but that may actually cause much more damage to the skin. There are some really good tips for removing the blackheads from your face and you may soon discover the beautiful, smooth skin that you have dreamed of for years.
Before we go into how to remove the blackheads, let us discuss the causes of having blackheads on your face. When extra oil pools into your pores, which could be caused by having a hyperactive sebaceous gland and not washing your face often enough, the pools of oil turn into black heads and then eventually into ugly and embarrassing acne marks that are pus filled.

Get Rid of Blackheads Naturally

If your quest is to clear up your face and eliminate the black heads then you may want to begin with the natural treatments that will attack the causes of the blemishes. Many skin doctors will discourage people from squeezing the blackheads because while it does remove the blackhead, it does not keep them from coming right back. To fix the cause of the problem you will need to follow a cleansing schedule to help keep the extra oil from pooling again in your pores.

You should begin the process by showering with warm water to allow your pores to open and then washing your face with a natural mild soap, try to use vegetable glycerin or any other natural cleanser. This will take out the debris and makeup that has built up on your face. The chemicals that are in some other cleansers will make your condition worse so stick with the natural cleansers.

The use of a facial scrub has been proven in the area of how to remove the blackheads and you can easily locate a natural product in many of the drug stores or natural food stores. You should only use the scrub every other day if you want to get the best results. As an alternative you could grind up aduki beans and mix with a teaspoon of oatmeal and create your own facial scrub. You can even make it in bulk and use an airtight container to keep it until you are ready to use it in a couple days. Applying the mixture is easy. You just add a little water to the powder and then very gently rub it into your skin on your face. Do not use it around the eye area of your face.

You can also take one half of a teaspoon of sugar and mix it with your facial wash so you can exfoliate your face naturally. The granulation of the sugar will gently remove any dead skin and dirt particles from your face.

Experts also suggest that people should steam their faces at least two times a week if they are interested in how to remove blackheads. Begin this process by bringing a pot of water to boil. Remove the pot from the stove while it is still steaming. Put a single drop of the product tea tree essential oil in the water and then put your face just a few inches above the pot and directly in the path of the steam. Put a towel over your head and down over the sides of the pot so the moisture stays on your face. Use the steam on your face for ten minutes and this will help remove the blackheads. If you do this more often than two times a week you are running the risk of your pores enlarging permanently.

The Essential oils of lavender and jojoba are also a really good treatment to remove the blackheads. Simply mix up the following combination and apply it to your face: 1 drop of rose hip oil, 1 drop of lavender, 2 drops of jojoba oil. The oils act as a dissolvent to get rid of the blackheads and will reduce any swelling of the pores so there is minimal scarring. They can also work against any new blackhead acne coming to surface.

Finding zits on the face of a teenager is something that comes with the age group but there are many different solutions to the problem that are natural. Keeping the teenager cleaning their face on a regular basis is a very effective way to reduce the skin problems that they are almost destined to encounter.