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Differential inclusions, Baire category theorem and applications to isometric embedding and origami

Vrijeme: 19.4.2017
Predavaonica: 005
Predavač: Bernard Dacorogna, EPFL
Naziv: Differential inclusions, Baire category theorem and applications to isometric embedding and origami

Given a set E in R^{N * n}, set Omega subsets of R^n and a map phi:Omega -> R^N we discuss the existence of Lipschitz map u: Omega -> R^N solving

nabla(u) in E (in Omega)
u=phi (on boundary of Omega)

A specially significant case is when N=n and E=O(n) which
will lead us to immersions and origamis.

This is a joint work with P. MARCELLINI and E. PAOLINI.

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