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Port-Hamiltonian systems. Modeling, Simulation and Control.

Vrijeme: 2.10.2018
Predavaonica: 005
Predavač: Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin
Naziv: Port-Hamiltonian systems. Modeling, Simulation and Control.

Motivated from modeling modern energy transport networks, in
particular those from different physical domains, the modeling framework
of port-Hamiltonian systems is discussed. The classical
port-Hamiltonian approach is systematically extended to constrained
dynamical systems (partial-differential-algebraic equations). A new
algebraically and geometrically defined system structure is derived,
which has many nice mathematical properties. It is shown that this
structure is invariant under Galerkin projections, changes of basis, and
that a dissipation inequality holds and it is automatically stable and
passive. Furthermore, the new representation is very robust to
perturbations in the system structure. Using this structure leads to
many advantages for tasks like model reduction or large scale simulation.

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