Znanstveni kolokviji

Resolution of singularities for differential operators in dimension two

Vrijeme: 17.6.2020
Predavaonica: vir
Predavač: Daniel Panazzolo, Université de Haute-Alsace
Naziv: Resolution of singularities for differential operators in dimension two

The talk is scheduled in virtual setting, using Zoom platform. During the meeting, the questions can be posed via chat or audio for participants in the meeting. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the Zoom meeting, with the limit of 100 participants. The talk will also be live-streamed.

Link to join Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 874 4165 6696

Link to broadcast live: was available 10 min before the talk and through the talk.

We consider analytic differential operators of order n defined on
two-dimensional manifolds. Namely, linear operators locally of the

Sum_{0<=i+j<=n} f_{ij} (d/dx)^i (d/dy)^j,

with f_{ij} analytic functions. After introducing the notion of elementary
singular point for such operators, we discuss a theorem of resolution of
singularities, generalizing the classical result of Bendixson-Seidenberg
for vector fields in dimension two.

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