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Nonlocal quadratic forms with domain reduction

Vrijeme: 24.6.2020
Predavaonica: vir
Predavač: Vanja Wagner, PMF-MO
Naziv: Nonlocal quadratic forms with domain reduction

The talk is scheduled in virtual setting, using Zoom platform. During the meeting, the questions can be posed via chat or audio for participants in the meeting. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the Zoom meeting, with the limit of 100 participants. The talk will also be live-streamed via YouTube.

The link to Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 878 7937 2208

The link to YouTube live-broadcast:
was available during the talk

The talk will be in English.


We will consider nonlocal quadratic forms on a subset D of R^d which connect two points by a single jump only if the points satisfy a certain geometric condition depending on the geometry of the set D. The main example will be quadratic forms with visibility constraint, which allow jumps between points x, y in D only if the segment [x,y] is contained in D. We will analyse the comparability of such forms to nonlocal forms determined by the same jumping measure, but without the geometric reduction of jumps. For a specific class of jump measures and domains D, we will discuss the regularity of quadratic forms with the mentioned domain reduction and analyse the boundary behaviour of the corresponding pure-jump Markov process on D.

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