Znanstveni kolokviji

Diophantine Approximation: W.M. Schmidt's Subspace Theorem and Applications

Vrijeme: 25.2.2004
Predavaonica: 005
Predavač: Prof. dr. Clemens Fuchs, Technische Universitat Graz
Naziv: Diophantine Approximation: W.M. Schmidt's Subspace Theorem and Applications
Web stranica: Kliknite ovdje

In a series of papers published between 1965 and 1972,
W.M. Schmidt generalized Roth's Theorem from 1955,
which states that for every real algebraic number x
the Diophantine inequality |x - p/q| < 1/q^e, e > 2,
has only finitely many integral solutions p,q.
The Subspace Theorem is the multidimensional generalization
of this result; it essentially tells us something about the number
of solutions satisfying some linear form under certain conditions.
Therefore, it can be used to derive upper bounds for the number of
solutions of Diophantine equations algorithmically.
In this talk we also present recent applications of this
deep theorem and show how it can be used to handle certain classes
of Diophantine equations, which are of exponential-polynomial type.

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