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Izvor: KiWi

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Major television networks have been around in get a handle on of what you watch, when you watch it and how often you watch the programs that interest you. To explore more, you should check out: quality mobile ad network. With the increase caused by web 2.0 including social networks and online films and movie, your mind can be longer confined by major television networks no to their contacts for activity.

Bob Anderson (writer of The Long Tail) hit the nail directly on the head.. In his book, he predicted that television's viewing audience will take more time on the Internet than watching TV. This former viewing audience can entertain themselves when you go to web sites they're enthusiastic about (to do whatever is more interesting for them than watching TELEVISION). Frank expected that individuals can spend their time more involved in their particular "long tail" interests.

This development is bad news for the tv networks!

The Net offers televisions former viewing market better activity because they can perform, see and hear when they want and what they want. The large tv networks no further have a on the publics entertainment and mind share.

To produce matters worse.. with the advent of DVR (digital video recorders) less and less people are watching television commercials (the center of the major TV networks). This pictorial mobile ads site has a few grand aids for why to deal with it. The typical average person with Internet access is spending 4 times longer on line than watching TELEVISION. The potency of television advertising is shrinking significantly and to create matters worse, ninety days of DVR homeowners are fast forwarding through television commercials!

The simple truth is, people hate ads. We all realize that sigh when you are strongly involved in your favourite TELEVISION show merely to be diverted by 2 minutes of commercials. Most people have discovered to ignore ads, even if they're watching them!

On television most of the major brand publishers that you see are well conscious of the fact that their advertising dollars aren't as well committed to television advertisements because they were in the past. These main brands, such as the BIG 8 in advertising, have already been looking as an different type of advertising to the Net for quite a while now.

For the very first time ever sold thousands of folks are planning to share in revenue that has been formerly paid to major television networks. Thousands of dollars are likely to be paid on a continuing basis to a "core group" of marketing partners.. No nonsense intended or implied!

PPP is a means for publishers (Like Harley Davidson or Taco Bell) to provide a 5 second audio advertisement to readers. It's a way for advertisers to target their 5 2nd audio advertising to geographic locations, demographics and particular interests.

Major TV's advertising revenue is shrinking because PPP offers companies a far more economical advertising alternative that's been providing positive Get back on Investment (ROI) for over 24 months. PPP gives marketers a way to reach their market and is the only kind of media whose thoughts and advertising placements are confirmed by an unbiased 3rd party. Dig up more on the affiliated use with by browsing to mobile service.

PPP isn't new, it has been running for just two years, has over 66,000 advertisers and over 550,000 sites that serve PPP ads to their guests.

The 550,000+ web sites that currently provide these ads are responsible for 43 million streams (opinions) of publishers' 5 2nd audio ads on a monthly basis.

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