1917 Woods Dual Power

Izvor: KiWi

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The first cross gas electric car didn't come out in 1983, but in 1917. The Woods Dual Energy was created from the Woods Automobile Company of Chicago. Because the gas engine was so difficult, but provided power and electric vehicles were easier, but had restricted range, the Woods Automobile Company wished to supply a car that gave you the very best of both sides.

The very best part is, it was a complete hybrid (listen up GM) with regenerative braking. The engine was a 12-hp, 4-cylinder gasoline engine that was included by a parallel hybrid being an additional drive system as well as the electric drive train. The electric engine can push the car up to 20 mph. Alongside the gas engine, the combined wood power could easily get up-to 3-5 mph. Visiting a guide to ecu dodge caravan certainly provides lessons you could tell your brother.

Electric engine and the gas engine were attached using a magnetic clutch. In case you fancy to dig up further on discount pcm for chrysler 300m, there are thousands of online resources you should think about pursuing. The gas engine became magnetized when stimulated (by a managed by the driver). For other viewpoints, consider looking at: dodge caravan ecm. Be taught supplementary info on our related article directory - Click here: official link. The copper disk was taken against the flywheel connecting the electric motor for the gas engine.

Only the electric motor might be used while moving in reverse. Why? Since the engine had no clutch and so the gas engine had no things!

The car battery designed for this car was about half the size of the batteries in other electric vehicles of times. When the vehicle got up to 20 mph, the gas engine could be employed, allowing the electrical motor and gas motor to work together. The battery might be recharged or released by still another lever. Recharging was done by the gas engine (at speeds more than 6 mph) or by stopping on level ground or when coasting down hills. A mainstream brake pedal was only used at rates of less than 6 mph.

Designed for only $2650 (remember it was 1917). Wire wheels were a luxury, costing a supplementary $25. Or you can 'pimp' your vehicle out for another $100 (color and cut).

Fundamentally, the first hybrid was a commercial failure. It had been developed only in 1917 and 1918. It was too difficult, too slow, and too high priced to service to become a commercial success.

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