4 ways to make your Word file "slim" 17825

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

We will discuss some linked to your workplace daily work. Browse here at V2cigscouponcodes-Org to read the inner workings of this hypothesis. Did the following situation be encountered by you? You want to send an with a Word file addition, nevertheless the email can not be send out trigger the Word file is too large. And you waste many efforts for making the file slim. You can take to these techniques, which can reduce steadily the size a lot.

1. Save as

In Menu, select "File > Save As", and save the document with a brand new name. You can compare the new file with original one; you will discover that the file size of new one is a lot smaller.

You may also work in this manner. Choose the entire content of the document, paste and copy it to a fresh blank document and save yourself it. Again, you will that quality of two files differs.

2. Delete old versions

The file size is likely to be larger, if there are lots of old types held in the file. In Menu, choose "File > Version", check always to see when there is any old version saved. You are able to eliminate those variations with no value to make the document lean.

3. Insert image properly

"Insert Picture" is one of many main reasons for the term document get fat. Make an effort to place a smaller image. Graphic editor can be used by you to reduce how big picture before place in to the record. The file format should use GIF or JPG and don't use those high-resolution graphic, like BMP.

4. Don't "Embed True Type Font"

"Embed True Type Font" will increase how big word record. In Menu, pick "Tools > Options", switch to "Save" tab page. Make sure your concept file don't have any correct type font, and cancel the "Embed True Type Font" option. If true type font is embedded by you, then pick "Embed characters in use only".

Decide to try the above mentioned four methods, you will see your word report getting slim.

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