8 Reasons to Switch SEO Companies

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

London SEO Company

With so many businesses being left unhappy with their SEO company, many business owners wonder if there is even such a thing as a legitimate SEO company. And if there is, how come they keep finding all the bad ones? Well, for those wondering if there are legitimate SEO companies, the obvious answer is YES. Many local and national SEO companies are providing real, valuable Search Engine Optimization work, and are using completely white hat techniques. However, clearly there are a plethora of bad SEO companies, and these are the ones that give the rest a bad rep. If you are feeling a little unsure about how your SEO company measures up, here are 8 reasons you know you should switch SEO companies:
1. They Think SEO and PPC Are The Same
Obviously SEO and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns are related. They both involve getting your website found on Google. But SEO is something that has lasting value for your company, while PPC is like a firework that burns hot while you are paying for it and disappears as soon as you stop. Make sure your SEO company is clear on the difference.
2. They Want To Submit You to a Bunch of Directories
Directory submissions used to be the king tactic of link building. However, most directories provide little to no value these days. Make sure your SEO provider is building quality links to your site.
3. They Won't Tell You Exactly What SEO Means
Similar to #1, SEO involves getting your website up in the organic rankings on the search engines. But when many marketing firms say SEO, what they really mean is online marketing in general. They may be putting you on banner ads or listing you in the yellow pages and calling it SEO. If your company won't tell you exactly what they mean by SEO, be very careful.
4. Their Definition of SEO Involves You Paying to be Listed in Their Directory
SEO is not being listed in the Yellow Pages. SEO is not being listed on DMOZ or any other directory. While these things do provide links to your site, they are weak and should not need to be paid for. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that a Yellow Pages ad is going to significantly boost your Google Rankings.
5. They Don't Rank For Anything on Google
If you can't find your SEO provider's site anywhere on Google, that spells trouble.
6. The Only Terms They Get You Ranked For Are Obscure Keywords
If you are paying hundreds or thousands of dollars per month for SEO, you should get more value for your buck than some random keyword that doesn't ever get searched.
7. They Promise to Get You Ranked For Hundreds of Keywords
SEO cannot be a guarantee. SEO is a science that is continually changing and being refined, and if a company gives you a promise to rank you for hundreds of keywords, or even 10 keywords, they are either going to get you ranked for obscure keywords, or they are lying.
8. They Promise You Hundreds of Links
If your SEO company is bragging about the number of links they can get you, they are probably spamming links which are not going to provide you any value. Don't let this point sell you. You need quality links, not quantity.
All-in-all, it is crucial to make sure you know exactly what your SEO company is actually doing, as opposed to what they say they are doing. Otherwise, you may end up getting shafted like JC Penny's!

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