A Backpack With Wheels?

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

I'd not need thought a with wheels would really work for hiking, nevertheless when I saw the web page for the "Wheelpacker"( TM), I was impressed. Should you claim to learn further on study design hoodies, there are millions of resources you should investigate. You wear a frame that attaches you to a rolling group. It may also look at stones and logs. It started me thinking about what other backpacking improvements are simply waiting to be marketed. Listed here are a number of the things I came up with. Take these some ideas, please.

Inflatable Figure Backpack

With frame-less bags we frequently put folded sleeping pads in the pack for padding against our backs and some support for force. Clicking account certainly provides warnings you might tell your pastor. Why not just have the the main pack that rests from the user's back fill. With the exact same technology employed for lightweight self-inflating sleeping bag pads, ounces would be only added about six by it. The backpack may then increase as a foot-bag/pad for sleeping.

Taking this idea more, I envision a backpack that folds out right into a sleeping mat. Navigating To create your own t shirt seemingly provides cautions you should use with your dad. The backpack "frame" could be the station, in a "U" condition for many stiffness in the group. Self-inflating sleeping bag parts are as light as 14 ounces now, and frame less bags 12 ounces, so the combination could oftimes be designed to weigh just 20 ounces.

Polish Paper Food Bags

Put backpacking food in wax-paper presentation in the place of plastic. The plans then double as crisis fire-starters, since wax paper will usually burn even though wet.


I use the plastic bladders from boxed wine when I want to transport more water. They're light, solid, and I inflate the bag with air to utilize as a cushion too. It really requires a smooth removable covering of some sort, to market a water container/pillow.

Coat Backpack

Why not a frame-less backpack with a coat that's a part of the pack? It may be folded out of the way, and the bunch could have normal connectors. When wearing the hat, though, it would secure the package, maintain you warmer, and make it easy to drive through heavy brush, because it would not catch on things as quickly. It is something such as carrying a big coat over a, but with the weight-savings and security that come from combining them. It could be called a "Jacket Pack-it."

Backpacking Game

Print a chess/checkers board on a jacket or backpack, and you have a sport that weighs nothing extra. Great for spending hours in the tent waiting out the water. For further information, consider having a gaze at: custom printed hoodies. If the pieces weren't carryed by you, rocks or pine cones could work as pieces.

Hiking gear ideas and innovations keep going in to my mind as I write this. Nearly all are on the basis of the concept of "dual purpose" products. They may work, some may perhaps not, however it can be an entertaining measure of inspiration from a backpack with wheels.

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