A Celebration of Life Begins With Lunch

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

On an ordinary afternoon in St. Augustine, Fla., a group of extraordinary people met at a restaurant for a single function - to celebrate their successes, share creativity and encourage each other while enjoying a meal.

They came for their regular Friday lunch from all walks of life: parents and agents high quality arlington realtor va, mortgage brokers and doctor's assistants, living coaches and flower shop personnel. Several showed their very own entrepreneurial efforts such as for instance jewelry making, business teaching, spas and health clubs. Regardless of where they originated in, they are there for each other, to pay an hour or so in support and fellowship.

These weekly luncheons are attended by both men and women, sponsored by the organization Women Festivities and held in five other towns. Each lunch includes a concept that suggests the freedom and success to which everyone want, according to president Sheryl Lynn. Subjects have now been as varied as "magnificence," "confidence" and "work." At an "applause" inspired gathering, each attendee explained to the group why he or she deserved applause.

Members mentioned moving from out of state and changing business achievements, careers and personal pleasures. All the speakers received heartfelt applause because they took a moment to "stand in their power," Lynn's expression for people's capability to find success and power within themselves.

It had been the requirement to enjoy each and every day things that inspired Lynn to create Women Festivities. Despite as a of an entrepreneur and three success, at the end of the day she felt exhausted and disappointed.

"I was not patting myself on the trunk upon the conclusion of these marvelous things. And no one else was either," Lynn said.

In starting Women Festivities, she created an environment in which encouragement and help played an essential role.

Today, Women Celebrations features a strong presence in northern Florida and more chapters, or "loops," are appearing around the world. The organization is available to every one wanting to enjoy their lives, share their experiences with others through positive interaction and create a sense of community.

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