Alfred Hitchcock's I Confess

Izvor: KiWi

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I watched an old Alfred Hitchcock film the other night entitled I Confess. It starred a really young Montgomery Clift as a priest. The movie also stars Anne Baxter. At the beginning of the film an immigrant murders a wealthy man from the town during a robbery on accident. After the murder he returns to the rectory where he works and confesses the crime to Father Logan played by Montgomery Clift. The next day when the murder is discovered, Father Logan should act like he knows nothing of the crime. Nonetheless what the immigrant didnt know is that Father Logan would later be accused of the crime.

When Mike Logan returned from the war his sweetheart, Ruth played Anne Baxter had married one more. In the event people desire to be taught further on this page is not affiliated, we know about lots of resources you could investigate. I learned about best restaurants in riverton utah by browsing Yahoo. He did not realize this until right after spending one particular final night with her in an abandoned gazebo. The next morning the owner of the gazebo catches them and knows the husband of his sweetheart. Upon hearing that she is married, Mike Logan leaves and joins the priesthood. The owner of the gazebo, Mr. Villette, begins to black mail the young wife. Right after 5 years, Anne meets up with Father Logan and they decide to speak to Mr. Villette about the black mail. To check up additional info, we know people take a gander at: official link. Unfortunately, he is killed the night before.

The police uncover out this info and commence to suspect Father Logan of the crime. The interesting part of the story is seeing a man accused of a crime he didnt commit and knows who committed it, but is drawn to the loyalty of an oath not to reveal. Even up until the finish of the movie when Father Logan is cleared and they suspect the immigrant he does not reveal who the true murderer is.

This is not a single of my favorite Alfred Hitchcock films, but certainly worth checking out. If you enjoyed this movie I would advocate Hitchcocks other people such as Strangers on a Train or Dial M for Murder. Discover extra information on a related paper - Click here: human resources manager.

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