Anti-Getting Older Skin Treatment: Turning Back The Clock

Izvor: KiWi

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It is common knowledge that quitting cigarettes is one of the hardest things in the world to achieve. While all of us know about the ill effects of smoking there are very few of us who can actually manage to kick the habit. Some of us are forced to due to health reasons and some of us have the willpower but most of us go through a stop-start process throughout our life. For those that are looking to quit smoking a wonderful option is available in the form of an electronic cigarette.

Behavior surrounding their use is worrisome because they are being used habitually by a percentage of non-smokers who otherwise would not use nicotine, they may seem attractive to children, they are not closely regulated, and their use makes it very easy to overdose on nicotine even for experienced smokers.

Take a look at this video from reports in France. It says that e-cigarettes contain level of formaldehyde near that of tobacco cigarettes. What? That is not good!

Opponents of Ego C Twist have made it very clear that they are not to be used as smoking cessation tools, however that's not what everyone says. Dr. Michael Siegel of Boston University School of Public Health says that they have been effective thus far in aiding smokers quit the habbit. Smokers will tell you that cigarettes have three addictions or habits; nicotine, oral, and hand. For anyone who is not aware of oral and hand addictions, they are the habits of having something in your hand and/or mouth. These fixations last longer than nicotine addiction in many smoker who have quit, and is the reason why some have failed. Electronic cigarettes may not have been designed as a smoking cessation product, but if it works for some, I say good on them.

Methoxypropanol, dipropylene glycol methyl ether. S.Hirzel Verlag, P.O.Box 10 10 61, 70009 Stuttgart, Germany, 1997.vii, 142p.Bibl.ref. 1997.

So, on Mother's Day - of all days - 2012, after a huge crying tantrum on my back steps, I went to the smoke shop and bought a disposable e cig. I had lost the e cig batteries I had purchased from Prime Vapor, and I didn't have any cartridges anyway, so I figured a disposable would save my tail until I could get another starter kit. Nope. Too little, too late. So, after another huge crying tantrum on my back steps, I got up and went back to the smoke shop and for the first time in over a year, I purchased a pack of cigarettes...yep, I did it. I took them home, had one more crying tantrum on the back steps. Then, I opened the pack and started smoking. Dang it.

The greatest part of quitting smoking is the regaining of your health. Your body will thank you for removing this habit from your life. The first day I quit, I did feel a lot of pain in my chest and back. This was from the freedom that I finally gave my lungs. The freedom to breathe clean air after many years of restricting them with smoke. My lungs were expanding and my back and chest were suffering in pain. Don't worry. This will soon go away once your lungs are used to breathing.

Various quit smoking aids such as nicotine gums, patches, inhalers, lozenges, etc. exist to help people kick the habit but in order to be effective they require the user to be seriously dedicated to quitting. In fact the failure rate with these products is very high. The reason for being like this is that they do not contain enough nicotine to truly satisfy cravings and they do not mimic the physical sensation of smoking in any way.

The fact that you can smoke it anywhere was one of the reasons I got into e-cigarettes. It also does not have a flame, only a light indicator. So there is no ash or second hand smoke. There is a water vapor that is produced that imitates smoke which has no smell and evaporates quickly.

By Paul Fitzgerald

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