Attraction Marketing System - How To Make Money With Youtube

Izvor: KiWi

Skoči na: orijentacija, traži

An attraction marketing system is simply a process that you have put in place to get yourself and your content out there on the internet so that people who are looking for what you are offering can find you.

In this article we will quickly go over how to put together a powerful attraction marketing system, as well as reveal one of the best ways to fast-track your online success with this method.

1. Lead Capture Page - The focus of your attraction marketing system should be a lead capture page. Each piece of content that you produce should then diver traffic to this lead capture page.
With there being so many opportunities of making money online, it makes one wonder as to where YouTube would fit in. For those that were not prepared, YouTube was one website that took many by surprise. After Google and Yahoo, YouTube is seen as the largest search engine used to find things online. Now it may make you wonder, how is that possible? I mean after all, all YouTube does it post videos correct? Exactly it posts videos and that is exactly how you can use it to make money. What you do have to realize is that you will not be making money directly off of YouTube. You will be using it as a platform to generate money from other sources.

There are millions of websites that are currently available online which are selling a particular product or service. Even though this is the case, how comfortable does one feel paying for something that they have never seen? The unfortunate thing about Internet shopping is that it is quite difficult to put a face with a particular product. Being able to put a face with a particular product or service gives one reassurance in the sense that they know someone actually exists behind the website. This in result creates a comfort factor and automatically increases the chances of a particular person buying something from your site. Being able to give your product a face can now be achieved through using YouTube.

There are many ways through which one can use YouTube to make money. Say for example you have a business that sells a product or service but are not able to get as many sales as you would like. This is where one can easily make effective use of what YouTube has to offer. Simply design a short video promoting your website. During the video you will mention links to which the view can visit if they are interested in what you have to offer. These are usually referred to as back links. Using this technique has been proven to generate more sales of one's business. When it comes to making the video, do remember that you do not require fancy video recording equipment. Something that is of good quality will do the trick.

The key to using YouTube is making videos for an existing business that you are trying to promote. While saying that, you can still use YouTube to make videos for a new business that you are planning to make. Making regular videos in relation to your businesses product or service creates a higher chance of people actually buying it from your website. It creates a level of comfort that some human does actually exist behind a specific website.

If you do not have your own product, there are many web stores that are offering affiliated marketing opportunities through which you can make money as well. Using the same technique that has been mentioned above, you can create YouTube videos and have back links to their website instead of your own.

This way you are first building your email list before diverting people to your product or business opportunity. With an email list you can work at building trust and relationships over time to increase conversions.

Also, this lead capture page can often be the entry point to your business if you are part of one of these online business opportunities such as Empower Network, Pure Leverage, Neucopia etc who has their very own built in sales funnel.

2. Video Marketing - Perhaps the most powerful form of attraction marketing is video marketing. With videos there is an instant trust and relationship that is built that is hard to achieve by text or email alone.

Dedicate yourself to filming a simple value based video each day and posting that to YouTube. You only need a simple smartphone to record the footage and it does not have to be a work of art. By consistently publishing relationship building videos that target keywords in your niche then you are bound to build a good following over time.

3. Free Content Marketing - There can be many other aspects to your attraction marketing system in addition to video.

Video might be the most powerful, but attraction marketing simply means attracting people to your business without you having to go out and finding these leads or doing any convincing yourself.

By creating and publishing other forms of keyword targeted content such as articles, blog posts, podcasts and PDF documents, then you are adding to the wider reach of your attraction marketing system.

In summary, focus on producing daily YouTube videos, articles and blog posts all targeted around keywords that are relevant to the products that you are selling and the business opportunities you are promoting. Over time people will find your work and will be attracted to join your business without you having to do any persuading or selling yourself.

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